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  1. Mike you shouldn’t be out there. Until the smoke clears please stay inside. Your wellbeing is the most important thing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Seriously that person actually thinks this is pollution, wow no brains. Hey Marcel Irnie is reporting that the main firefighters in the Okanogan had their fire fighting equipment stolen.

  3. Something to think about: the World Trade Centre in New York was the largest gold repository in America after Fort Knox. There was even a Diehard movie with Bruce Willis where his character John MacLain dis covers a plot by thieves to steal the gold from the WTC and escape in big trucks through the NYC sewer system. So what happened to the gold in the WTC on 9/11 2001? Did you ever hear of any gold recovered from the ruins? Why has no one ever asked this? Was there ever any remains of airplanes or passengers recovered anywhere in NY or the Pentagon. of that plane that hit the ground in what was it ? New Jersey? We have never seen any video from surveillance cameras of a plane hitting the Pentagon. Did they use the same brand of cameras as in the prison where Jeff Epstein had his unfortunate accident? Why has no one questioned this? What happened to the gold in the WTC or maybe there wasn’t any there. It had been moved or otherwise disappeared long before 9/11. All I know for sure is I didn’t take it. Well not much. Didn’t have room in my suitcase.

  4. I think that the ARSON smoke will be coming down to NYC AGAIN. The 👺👿👹Demons are busy. Brooklyn NY

  5. Hey Mike, I'm the one who loves your music on MITN show.. I'm Canadian but been gone for over a decade. Great idea for you and the fam to come to rural Mex! I'll visit you. Stay safe over there.

  6. Mind Altering & Dangerous Chemicals To Control Your Mind & Effect Your Health & Unfortunately, It Also Affects Your Eye Sight As Well.

  7. Thanks Mike always good info I can remember on TV when they said they were going to demolish building 7 due to the structural damage the towers it seems to be a conflictive subject they actually said that on the news I was listening to it was either on the 11th or 12th 2001

  8. You can’t even see the SUN ! WTF! That’s called Project Solar Shield at its finest! The government admitted to it, to give a reason for all the CHEMICAL’S. Strontium, Barium, and Aluminum sprayed out the back of those planes that go from one end of the sky to the next. NOT A CON TRAIL YOU RETARDED PEOPLE THAT THINK SO! Do research ya block heads. People have to get their heads out of their ass’ and Start to Fight Back! The Sun that blocked out by smoke, and chemicals. I feel nauseous looking at it all! God Bless You All. Wear a few rag over your mouth n nose when outside. Not masks! Just a light weight head band. Tie around mouth and nose. Tie in back of your head if too tight, loosen. Make sure you can still breathe! My two best friends died from fentanyl O.D. back in 2018-2019, People! You can not RISK YOUR LIVES USING ANY OOWDERS , stamped pills. Only use meds if given to by the pharmacy!

  9. Don’t breath that shit in Mike! I think that’s what that mask mandate was all about. To get us to think their ridiculous. Breathing problems with prolonged use! Now, theirs burning sulfur smell ?! Probably plastics. Toxic stuff in with that smoke. The smoke is just a cover up Mike!

  10. Yes! Satan Klause Schwab. Santa, rearrange the letters SATAN -SANTA . You see that ! So it’s SANTA KLAUSE SCHWAB ! More like SATAN KLAUSE SCHWAB!

  11. Directed Energy Weapons! 1000000000% definitely! You see the beam coming straight down from the nose cones on them planes! Craaaaazy bull 💩💩💩

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