Gardening Trends

Engineering Breakthroughs That Will FEED The World

Food Science: Check out amazing things Cult Foods Is Working on!

Farming changed the world, we used to all spend our days trying to find enough food to survive. Then came farming, and people became musicians and writers, and well modern civilization. But growing food comes with its fair share of challenges, and feeding the next billion people, isn’t automatic. Today I wanted to share 4 ways engineering and food science, is hard at work to solve these problems. Let’s figure this out together!

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0:00 – Introduction
0:58 – AI Weed Killing Robots
4:09 – Cultured & Cultivated Foods
7:38 – Agrivoltaics
10:59 – Vertical Farming

This Youtube video was conducted on behalf of Cult Food Science Corp. (CULT:CSE | CULTF:OTC) and was funded by Outside The Box Capital Inc. and/or affiliates after Two Bit Da Vinci Inc. was engaged by Outside The Box Capital Inc. to advertise for Cult Food Science Corp. (CULT:CSE | CULTF:OTC).

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what we’ll cover
two bit da vinci,robot farming,weed killing robots,ai farming laser,ai farming weed killer,ai farming robot laser,ai farming weeds,cult foods,cult food science,agrivoltaics,agrivoltaics farming system,agrivoltaic farming,agrivoltaics solar panels,agrivoltaics explained,vertical farming technology,future of food,solving world hunger,feeding the world,food science,food technology,farming breakthroughs,farming technology,vertical farming


  1. Cell based? Aka Lab Grown. Simply take the life out of the equation. Plants are living. You are what you eat. So eating "cell based" foods would equate to not being alive, but being lab grown. Hope those labs know the intricacies of the human spirit. 😂😂😂😂 Brawndo has what plants crave! 😂😂😂😂 Glad your detailed, scientific outlook amd reasoning has already made this fact a moot issue. You are so smart..Brawndo! Why didn't I think of that? Or, is someone stuffing your pockets to overlook this simplicity? Moron, or sell out? Lost all respect for this channel. Brawndo? 😂 "Cell based" 😂

  2. A good alternative to using led lights and solar panels is to use fiberoptic cables and route real sunlight to every last horizonal grow bed. You can still have the leds and solar panels for backup, but use real sunlight when available.

    Note: this tech needs to be invented still, but it is possible now.

  3. I’m afraid the name Cult Foods will turn some people off and set off the conspiracy theories

  4. One thing to note: without massive legislative changes agrovoltaics will not be selling their energy for anywhere near $0.10 per kwh. Unless you are willing to basically become an entity under the utility or find some other state contract you'll be lucky to get more than a cent per kwh generated.

  5. I cannot believe you would advertise this cult foods crap!!! It is a despicable movement and it will NOT help the world! Artificial meats and things of things of the like, preposterous and absurd. Pathetic! And this nonsensical statement:
    “Conventional food production is responsible for approximately 1/3 of the greenhouse gases”! This is some of the most fascist crap ever perpetrated against humanity and you are spewing it like a poison spring!

  6. seems like they use to much power /long time with the laser ? When using gas on weed you dont want to burn it, just "cook" it. Maybe they could go faster by doing that?

  7. Lasers are a great idea for weeding but these photos of ag land are so sad- – look at how dead the ground is!! Living soil is almost black. The organic material, worm castings and other organisms darken the soil. Living soil has bacteria that are necessary for human health- -this dirt on mono-cropped farms is dead. No wonder that the nutrition in our vegetables is falling!

  8. There is a solar powered robot weed puller that looks to work better and much cheaper

  9. It works on historical towns also. The AI picks up only poor people's home. I love tech!

  10. Solar on top of vertical farms certainly makes sense, but considering one of the big advantages of vertical farming is well, being more vertical (more stuff per square meter of footprint), they're kind of fundamentally at odds with powering themselves (at just fully) with something like solar, which scales based on how many square feet of space you have for it.

  11. You're so DISCONNECTED of the farmer's and normal reality, that you think (and propagate..) that the problem is missing the last miracle tech. Don't you know that they prefer to throw to the garbage from a third to the half of production than to make a better distribution system ? That more farmers are exploited by industrials buyers, machine and chemical sellers, and don't have enough to for their living, even if they work so many hours ? A job with a high level of accident, health diseases and suicides… Farms that cost SOO much, that the kids can't buy it back and the land get more and more owned by big dark vado companies ? Please, use you brain and you heart, sometimes !

  12. Why just target weeds? Why not target pests as well? Could avoid using sprays altogether! Neither herbicides nor pesticides needed. 🤔

  13. 3:28 I do like the idea of a laser spot-killing the weeds, but herbicides aren't the only thing used… there are fungicides and insecticides too that must also be used. One to prevent fungi from growing on the crops and kill them and the other to prevent insects from eating and laying eggs inside the crops. The laser is cool, and definitely a good step… but we can't stop here.

  14. John Deere’s see and spray program is payed for on a $ per acre basis. It’s another input cost that needs more data to convince most farms to use it in dry land applications. In my area it’s only available for pre burn applications and not in crop applications so until it’s available for both most farms don’t see it as feasible. Blanket applications on average use 60% more herbicide so in theory one extra input cost is worthwhile and the future is promising. This also brings up issues of storing chemicals, most farms don’t have a heated, ventilated area where they can store chemical safely throughout the off season. Most farms buy exactly what they need for their blanket apps and don’t worry about storage. With see and spray it’s impossible to know how much herbicide you’re going to use, making projection’s impossible. The carbon robotics idea is amazing, but at 2ac/h it’s not anywhere feasible given the man hours unless it’s used on a small organic farm. Farms in mid/south sask take an average of 4000ac to feed one family unit conveniently.

  15. Dustification weapons/?/ & Electrogravitics/?/ & Magnetohydrodynamic Drive/?/ & Ocean current/Flat Earth/Sun/Moon/Magnetohydrodynamics/magnetic mountain/North Pole/Mt. Zion/?/ & NASA discovers Impenetrable barrier above earth/?/ & The dome/firmament/electromagnetic/plasma/frequency forcefield/?/ & U.S./Government/Military/UFO/UAP/USO/Patents/Inventions/Prototypes/?/ & Military Industrial Complex withholds Zero Point/Free Energy Technology/?/ & Scientists discover how to make electricity from thin air/?/ & Advanced technology Inventions/patents seized by government/military/elites/?/ & Our lost/stolen/hidden/suppressed/historical/ancient advanced technology/knowledge/Inventions/?/ & Advanced Plasma Stealth Technology/?/ & Plasma clouds/?/ & Electric/Plasma Moon/Realm/Universe/?/ & Plasma Moon/Infinite plane/Flat Earth Reflection/World Map/?/ & The Nos Confunden Map/?/ – duck duck go!

  16. Lazers with AI is definitely the coolest. Besides no poison, it leaves fertilizer from the burning weed.

  17. This works only in optimal conditions! In real life it's useless! Big PR for nothing! Any farmer will tell ya, the soil will eat your equipment! The company probably hopes that he gonna milk out some cash from the victims, eehhhm. farmers!

  18. An aerospace engineer we knew in the 1960's who designed aircraft instrument panels in UK. went into tomato growing. We couldn't understand why somebody that intelligent would, and then not realizing how technical it can be. In farming arable livestock horticulture there is no top limit to knowledge and skills, some produce is exotic (vast monoculture is Not ideal)

  19. You know why people accept, 'poor labour practices'?, because the alternative: unemployment, is so, so much worse. For many starvation. I'm all for progress, but at least spare a thought for the farm labourers who will lose their jobs. In fact in the USA, it has a particular resonance, as the need for those labourers, was the only way a poor person could get into the US.

  20. Amazing new technology and you’re correct technology has brought about amazing yield increases with significantly reduced labour inputs. But if there’s drought, flooding or land abuse technology counts for nothing. Still the most important factor in farming has always been and remains Mother Nature rules and if climate change forecasts are correct we are all delusional about what technology can achieve.

  21. Thanks to the farmers and deepest condolences to those in the migrant labor community who have lost loved ones to the negative health effects of working with chemical agriculture. Hopefully we can get things like the laser weed killer tech out to developing countries too.

  22. That's why humanity goes shit end. Stupid ideas aflorish all over the world.

  23. I read that a product made with vinegar ( much more than just that ). This really needs to be developed, a fertilizer type that gets photosynthesis to happen without the sun or grow lights. I can't say anything else about it as it all was over my head. I do use led grow lights indoors but if the grids went down, I live in an apartment without a balcony, so growing would be out for me and the millions in the same situation.

  24. …until your enemy/government hacks your robot so that it pulls up your crop and leaves the weeds…

  25. I always wondered about if a thing like Argo voltaic farming could be possibly an idea to provide partial shade for certain crops and raising the solar panels higher and creating water dew systems inside them to grow farming under them! Now someone has done it! Cool!

  26. I always wanted to see a vertical farming setup with sun tunnels on the southern walls directing the light to the plants. Use the LEDs to backup for overcast days and to supplement and fine tune the wavelengths

  27. Do they make a laser machine the size of a push mower I can use on my white rock driveway

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