Edible Gardening

Why Mulch Is The Key To A Happy Garden In The Heat!

Look at the difference some mulch can make! Instead of baking heat, we have some cool-looking plants in the #foodforest

Create Your Own Florida Food Forest: https://amzn.to/3OS5jQx

David’s Other Books: https://amzn.to/3OJ6rFW

David’s gardening blog: http://www.thesurvivalgardener.com

If it’s too hot to garden, don’t worry. The benefits of mulch are numerous, but one overlooked benefit is how mulch keeps roots cool along with moderating moisture, so your trees can sail through a hot month.


  1. I bought both of your Florida gardening books, Compost Everything and Grocery Row Gardening, plus one more that I haven't had time to read. Great information! 👍 ❤

  2. Im starting a grocery row at my moms new place here in southern Arizona! She wanted help with her trees and i already started compost piles. The last owner left some sad pomegranates and plums in row.

  3. Ive just gone and buried some terracotta post around some of my fruit trees for slow release water. See how it works hay, , and with mulch 🙌😊🇦🇺

  4. Ever since I discovered this IRIE Channel,before we would gather up all the fallen leaves, the cut weeds and grass, cart them off and leave a bare ground, "clean" yard, yes clean, devoid of life but now, when it rains(currently in the rainy season,that organic matter absorbs the rain, keeps it from evaporating back into the air, keeping it available for the many plants and thus upon improving first the soil, we're on our way to being carbon copies of your Grocery Row, Food Forest! Thanks for sharing, missed the Goodstream but enjoying the replay, and wishing the Good Family an IRIE weekend!

  5. Crazy I never had to worry about unbearable heat in Easter Wa. I started wood chipping the yard a couple of years ago to try and help my garden garden plants, which many are native, I really miss the seasons but am learning to adapt to the new normal here. Drought continues, wonder if I will see water restrictions before I die. My guess is yes.

  6. Japan has begun discharging treated radioactive waste water into the Pacific Ocean from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. DON'T BUY SEAFOODS!

  7. I live in SW Missouri and it is not cool in the morning! Unless high 80’s to 91 is cool. The humidity is 100% in the AM too. NOT COOL. Thanks for the video. Sorry, I’m heat crazy! 🥵😡🤪

  8. Any idea what happen to Ice Age Farmer??
    He’s been off the grid for sometime!!! Hope he’s all good.. appreciate your work brother.

  9. Hey David, I am from Assam, Northeast India. We have Taro growing like anything around here ( multiple varieties ). Yes we eat it. I love it. But generally here they find a way to grow naturally around areas that tend to be low lying than the normal ground level. And since it rains quite heavy here during monsoons and some more off monsoon, it's generally wet around those areas. They are usually surrounded by different types of mosses and green vegetation ( you guys might call it weed ). It's normally darker around those areas hence it has bigger sized leaves to collect all the sunlight. Normally if the plant loves the location its leaves grow quite bigger than what you had and they grow multiple stalks from the base. Good eating my friend.

  10. My cow peas and green beans are burnt and they are mostly in the shade. I'm sure you have covered this. But, what kind of mulch is best of annuals?

  11. Great video! We mulched our entire yard with woodchips and are growing our own food forest! 2 years in and can't wait for it to grow up like your forest and the one in the end of the video 😍

  12. It's going to be 116 tomorrow. Very true just make sure your mulch wasn't sprayed with anything! Great video once again DTG. Blessings to all the survival gardeners..

  13. David the good!!!!! Only you can help me here 😂. I have a yellow jacket nest in the compost pile in my garden. What ever should I do that doesn’t include getting myself or my children attacked.

  14. please show grocery row! no matter how it looks like it would be amazing to have a tour this season, we only got 1 run-through this year :/

  15. I've been shocked seeing so many things just thriving in this heat–while others shrivel and attract pests!

  16. There isn’t anything available to mulch with this summer if I can’t trust buying straw. Of course there’s none to buy currently. Ranchers are having to go out of state for hay. Hay supply is at a 50 year low in Texas. Grass hasn’t grown for two months. Too hot and no rain. I bought some pine shavings from feed store to mulch veggies beds but it’s of minimal help with 105+ everyday. I need to have it much deeper. Will be stockpiling leaves from people who put them at the curb this fall and winter so I don’t get caught short of mulch next year.

  17. Spent the whole 2022 in Nashville for work after living in Texas all my 27 years of life I have to say the weather out there was great way now that I’m back in Houston I definitely miss that weather

  18. I observed with my "Grow a Little Fruit Tree" trees, they have struggled in the north FL heat. The longevity spinach I planted around the pear tree has shielded the trunk from the sun and that pear tree is thriving. I decided to wrap all of my fruit tree trunks with a thick paper tree wrap (sold at Ace) and they are beginning to thrive with the heat! I also decided to do the yard waste compost pile next to one of my avocado trees…that tree has grown incredibly. Thank you David for all your work and advice! I now grow all kinds of veggies that work around this latitude (brilliant concept) – yams, sweet potatoes, yard long beans, Chaya, etc. all in the heat of FL summer.

  19. Great video! TY. ❓What are your thoughts on using pine chips🌲 in a vegetable garden and around fruit trees❓Thank you for your time 🌺

  20. Thx for helping me up my mulch game It is making a difference esp in z9a 🙏🏻✌🏻👍🏻🇺🇸

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