Vegetable Gardening

Transforming containers! It’s time! What you can do!

We are replenishing our containers with organic pro mix preparing for fall planting. We have cool nights and hot days! No rain in forecast. We are getting back in the saddle. Are you?


  1. Hey Jill, are y’all going to revive the soil that was in the tubs and then rotate it back into the tubs when you dump this batch or how are y’all planning to do that? I ask because I’m trying to figure out how to do my greenstalk. I spent roughly $100 on bagged soil to fill it. It’s not worth ordering a load of soil just to redo it. My thinking was to buy some more bags one more time, dump the soil that’s in it now and start a compost pile on top of that, then next year I could use the compost enriched soil in it and start the compost enriching process over with the replacement soil I bought this year. Does that make sense? What’s y’all’s opinion on doing it that way?

  2. Praise the Lord! ❤🙏🏼 Happy things are looking more hopeful! It’s better here where I am too. We
    got some rain, cooler weather for
    Fall. 😊

  3. I will be replinishing my grow bags for the next few mornings since we have a long weekend. Hoping to start putting seeds in very soon.

  4. I think it’s hard to grow pumpkins here due to the extreme heat. I read somewhere that pumpkins put out only male flowers when it gets above 80 or 85 degrees and won’t put out female flowers until it gets around 80. I think this might be why you don’t have any fruit on your vines yet.

  5. Love to watch your videos and learn from you. I'm in North Texas but due to the extreme heat I haven't done much. But you give some hope.😊❤

  6. Wonderful job on your herbs! The best output I have seen this year in the south! 🙏 Pumpkins will do much better with some straw near the vines. All over great 👍job and God bless

  7. We enjoyed temps in my part of OH in the 60's and low 70's last week so took advantage of it and accomplished A tremendous amount of projects on a complete by Oct 15 list. However, by Monday, Labor Day it will be in the 90's for awhile. So glad you have been getting a bit of a reprieve from the heat down there.

  8. Jill wow your ground so
    dry praying for
    Rain but glad to see your garden flourishing ❤

  9. Great to see you smiling again and with that moving forward energy! Those ground cracks look crazy. This season was my first year with aphids on a tomato plant in once of my grow boxes we keep on our upper deck. I'm thinking the same on replacing the growing mix. It's been in that box for about 3 years with new compost added each year, but probably a good idea to follow your example on these containers.

  10. I don't know if this will help you. I learned the method from OYR a few years ago. I never by dirt anymore. You can do this with any 3' high 3' wide airy container. OYR used a geobin, which I too use but I added chicken wire bin. I just put into it anything biodegradable. I do not turn or pay any attention to it. I do all raised beds as I am in the mountains of sa VA. I add grass, cardboard, news paper, leaves, food scraps, garden waste. whatever. It really is a great way for me as I am older than yourself and it is manageable. When it is time to use I just shovel it out. sometimes I have help with this piece. I hope I am explaining this well. You could add it to the dirt you just got. anyways one yard revolustion oyr, is a good resource. Glad to see things are getting better.

  11. oh me girl you cheat;;;;lol;;;that'looked like a pile of dirt to me;;;;lol;;;;I hear ya on the complete change for containers;;;maybe fill in a few cracks with the old;;;lol;;;i have been adding mine that I take out to one of my compost piles and turning it in hoping to revive it;;;gonna experiment with a few next year;;;;no time to talk now;;;live action;;;;lol;;;hope ya have a tarp to cover becauee its gonna rain now that you have fresh dirt to use out in the open;;;lol;;;;enjoyed;;;thumbs up and keep em comin

  12. Hey Jill 😊
    Your plants are looking good ..
    we just start some of our vegetables 🥗
    But wow oh wow it been super hot 🥵
    Today Friday is going to be our first night in the 60’s
    But there no rain
    And it still in the 💯 plus
    That the weather in south Texas
    And we still have lots and lots of grasshopper..
    Well take care and we will pray for slow rain 🌧
    Love you’ll my friend

  13. It’s such a blessing to get some cool mornings. We even had a teeny bit of rain. Things are looking up

  14. Thank you Jill for teaching us all a lesson on perseverance and never give up! btw: hard to believe, it's been over a year me following NTVGC, I'm loving it. 😊

  15. Nice!! Got my fall garden planted. Broccoli, kale, turnips, parsley, garlic, beans, peas, and lettuce. I went the shortcut route for tomato sauce. I roasted the tomatoes then blended them with onion and spices for spaghetti sauce, then froze it. It smelled heavenly. Yesterday I made 5 jars of Zucchini apple butter. It turned out really good. I also made some Zucchini bread jam, some pesto with my homegrown garlic and basil, and many jams: blackberry, blueberry, plum, and peach. Our butternut squash and potatoes did great this year too. All and all it was a good year, despite the fires. We got a tiny bit of rain but still need prayers for more rain to get these fires out. Were over 84,000 acres on the smith river complex fire. It's right over one of our last pristine rivers. So terrible! God bless you!

  16. hi Jill
    glad to see u back at it
    I guess prayers do pay off
    can't wait to stop by and buy something looking so fresh green
    BTW do you do shipping if i mail u a check at harvest time?
    hope u have a bumper crop on all u planted

  17. I have to take a machete to the grass and weeds in my garden. I'm still getting a lot of pole beans. My tomatoes are still ripening. And my okra is producing enough for me but I wish I had planted more. I have 322 jars so far and will not stop at 365! :^) Keeping you and yours in my prayers!

  18. South-Central Texas here – My spring garden did nothing, it didn't even grow, but we pampered it along and it is now putting on green and setting a few fruits (not much because of the heat) … I'm thankful for the few squash and zucchini we've managed to harvest … guess I'll let them continue (hate to pull them up – they're such fighters) and just plant items for fall that didn't survive the heat of summer

  19. I have basil envy…that herbs look amazing! Thank you for sharing the note on replacing soil. I've been frugal when it comes to containers and probably cut my nose of to spite my face when it came to the plants doing well. I have metal garden boxes to fill next year and will keep that in mind. Can't use native soil due to this being a MFG home park and CATV cables are run all through the only area I can garden in. Life struggles that get us to be creative. Hope the fall garden does well. You guys could sure use the encouragement I bet.

  20. I was looking at the leaves on your peppers. Almost looks like a little herbicide damage. I have had the same trouble. Last year I bought a Bonnie pepper that never recovered. I cut it back and wintered over and when it came back out same wrinkled leaves. It never bore a fruit. I wonder what the problem is. I don’t use herbicides

  21. Going to be working on my garden this next week. Need to get as much planted as possible. Blessings!

  22. I popped some seeds.. I started some collard, some spinach and some broccoli, purple broccoli I will start some more tomorrow I think I’m gonna do some cabbages as well. I have to remove some items that are completely dead so I’ll be putting something in its place.

  23. Another great video with plenty of variety in it.thankyou.😀.
    Back about 2005, when our place formed those same cracks in the ground, at the back yard, we were partly on a flood zone & I'd put a thin stick in there to see how deep they were & I'd say a metre roughly.

  24. Good to see you smiling & 'playing in the dirt'. Thats what I tell my coworkers I do on my days off. I luv it! Glad that the mornings are cooler for ya there. I had to find one of my flannel shirts before going out for morning chores. Most of leaves are falling from my fruit trees already.

  25. Jill your attitude is always refreshing despite the satan weather, issues and problems. Thank you for always putting on a great display and keeping folks motivated. Stay blessed everyone…🤘🇺🇸🧂

  26. I live on a rocky outcropping not far from Texoma and don't have 6 inches of dirt anywhere. I learned about the wicking, self watering containers a few years ago and they are a lifesaver. So far I have about a dozen of them and adding more every year. Had to water them more this year and added shade cloth to the garden – been a tough summer.

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