@California Gardening

California Gardening: Composting – How To Make Your Own Compost At Home

Learn what is composting and how to make compost the easy way using kitchen scraps and food waste. Turn vegetable and fruit scraps into compost. Also called Black Gold, compost is an excellent soil conditioner, amendment and fertilizer. Learn what goes into your compost bin and what does not.

In your vegetable garden, making your own compost from kitchen scraps is one of the best things to do. Not only will it save you money, but making your own compost pile and setting up your compost in your own compost bin will help you add a lot of black gold or nutrients in your soil. Its easy to learn how to make compost from kitchen waste. Composting is an easy process and you can easily learn how to make your own compost by composting food waste into nutrient rich compost for your garden. Also learn what is hot composting that is the heat generated when your scraps are turned into compost.

In this How To Composting video, learn everything from building a DIY tumbler for your compost bin to making compost from food scraps in today’s episode. In this composting how to video, you will learn this and a lot more. Happy Gardening.

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