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  1. I keep enough money in bank for monthly bills. Buy silver and gold and bury it in different places on route out of town if need to bug out!

  2. Hey MIKE YOU WERE 1OOO% RIGHT, good for you dude. In December of 2O19
    China had protesters getting out of hand then the government threw flyers into
    the protesters warning them about a health threat to leave the area as soon as
    possible. I saw the flyers the protesters were video taping how they were
    dropping these flyers on them like confetti. The protesters were showing these
    warning flyers like look the government is trying to stop the protest and want us
    to go home.

  3. I believe they are setting us up for a famine. The poor can't afford to eat now. Canadian wheat is wilted thanks to their creating a drought in the west. Anything with wheat or flour in it will go through the roof. Stock up while you can. Happy Friday

  4. Like Patriot Parabellum sez, there's really no reason to feel negative. THEY are negative, WE are having a blast! This is the greatest time EVER!

  5. With today's technology there must be a way to decentralize our governments so they cannot be bribed/blackmailed by these Globalists Central Banksters, Military Industrial Intelligent Complex and Multinational Corporations who are currently in control of governments Worldwide and have been for decades. Love and Respect Ontario, Canada.

  6. My personal protest is to not shop at the big conglomerate stores.I have not shopped for a whole week. I visit the little shopkeepers and support my local businesses. If everyone for one day didn't buy anything from the big corporations would hurt them more than they will us.There is power in numbers.

  7. The solution is to do what the UK have started doing. Restaurants take donations from customers and work once a week for free to make and serve pizza and pasta to families in need.

    Donations from small businesses are also used to run small busses. The drivers arenโ€™t paid because they arenโ€™t officially employed but they are happy to have a purpose. They get to know their passengers and will check on them if they arenโ€™t seen, especially the elderly who attend regular GP visits.

    Labourers are working one day a week free of charge to do maintenance on houses. It all comes back to small businesses, hence why they are being crushed. One business starts doing charity work once a week and the rest soon follow. Thatโ€™s what people can do. Start offering whatever service you can provide, even if you donโ€™t own a business and even if itโ€™s once a month. If every person did an hour of charity work in their local area, even within walking distance, once a week, we would be well on the way to sustaining ourselves.

    Instead of being left to rot in tent cities we can eventually look after our own towns but it starts with looking after people first. Individuals, then groups, then small areas and eventually entire towns. We have to start from scratch and wont see the end result but we can be the generation to get it started, even by just helping one person once a week.

    Thereโ€™s no time to waste. Donโ€™t wait for an invitation. Form a small group if you can, even if itโ€™s couples or/and immediate family. If you canโ€™t form a group, do it solo and youโ€™ll meet someone willing to help. We can figure it out as we go, the main thing is to start now.

  8. I was born a Rebel, and will die a Rebel, but this crap regarding do not comply, I can do that no problem , but some people are between a rock and a hard place, and are forced by their employers, like my daughter who works in the Hospital. I hope Pierre is a solution of hope, and in the USA Trump is coming back and Biden the very Corrupt President is to be Impeached by Halloween / let's see what time will tell.

  9. U mean let's IGNORE REALITY & live in a "MAKE BELIEVE" WORLD..?? ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช

  10. On China's US-denominated debt:
    When you owe the bank $100, you got a problem.
    When you owe the bank a million dollars, the bank's got a problem.
    When BRICS hit critical mass, bye bye USA. Then Mike, you will get your wish; the US will invade Canada.

  11. Hi Mike, recently found your channel, and have been listening to you from Perth, Australia.

    I use to live a 5 minute walk from Romero..did you live in the area?

  12. Most likely extraterrestrial means from lands outside our dome. Other dimensions may enter into it. But UFOs are ETs in the traditional way we think of them are distractions.

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