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Beautiful, Abundant GIANT Garden Harvest | Another BIG Preserving Day!

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The garden is slowly ending, but it always goes out with a bang with tons of beautiful produce. Today, I harvested beautiful celery, cabbage, green beans and tomatoes from the high tunnel. I wasn’t planning a big preserving day today, but produce is best preserved right away, so I decided to get it done. I ended up canning, freezing and freeze-drying it all before the day was through. I hope you enjoy coming along with me.

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  1. Greens are good with bacon greese, a little sugar and vinegar. Equal amounts. Maybe 1 to 3 TBS per pot

  2. I cook collard greens with chopped onion sautéed in olive oil, add crushed garlic and a ham hock. Add some water and sautee till tender. So yummy!!❤

  3. Steam canner on camp chef: maybe try a restrictor plate, or cast iron pan flipped over the flame and canner on top. The cast iron will conduct the heat but the flame will be diffused. I just used my camp chef for the first time because the power was out. All the pans I'll use on it are heavy bottom so I probably won't use it again, but it does work.

  4. living in the South and having a son who worked in a restaurant that serves the best in town…secret ingredient, to cook them in sweet tea instead of just plain water. Sweet tea is just black tea and sugar. that’s it. Chop fine and into the tea. Add some minced garlic too.

  5. The southern way is to take a smoked meat usually to call it Hawks which is the lower part of the leg and it smoked real well and put them up with the Hawks in there but the men and then boil them until they're tender and really done like you would have spinach then you can eat them like that a lot of the southern people use red pepper flakes in them and things like that as well to give him a real good taste it always with a smoked hock

  6. I can my celery and it turns out wonderful. I have people who will not eat celery but enjoy the canned ones.

  7. Make a ravioli with the collards or make a fried wanton stuffed with collard greens with a Alfredo and spicy sausage sauce-yum!

  8. I keep on waiting for you to get surprised by a mouse or a snake! How many snakes are there in your area?

  9. Alabama here! Sauté onion and chopped bacon in a large pan. Deglaze with your favorite vinegar and a splash of broth. Add your greens and simmer for about 15-20 minutes lid on. Serve this along with cornbread (not sweet) and some pinto beans for a meal on New Year’s Day! This will bring you luck for the year!😘.

  10. Really enjoy watching you working so efficiently. I've never canned but I do make dilled pickles in the summer time. I just set the jars out on the sun and in about 2 days they are done here in Florida. I love freeze dried fruits. As for canning, I have always felt that 1/2 of the nutrition gets lost in the cooking process.

  11. Your abundance from your garden makes my Heart Sing! I love, love, love watching you prepare for canning/freezing. So happy to hear the peppers are starting to grow/produce!!

  12. Iam a new subscriber from the UK, May I ask, how long did you put your dilly beans and dill pickles in your Water Bath, I understand that you steam canned some, but I thought you said you would talk us through the process of putting them in your water canner.
    Love, ❤️, your videos, Thank you x

  13. Hey Chelsea….you got lots of smoke there today? It’s been socked in here for a few days now. Anyways I think Rachel at 1870 s did a video a year or two ago about canning collard greens. I will see if I an find it for you. Great video. Thanks 🌷🇨🇦

  14. One of my favorite winter soups is ham, cabbage and potato soup. It's just ham hocks or a meaty ham bone cooked with cabbage potatoes and onion, seasoned generously with salt and pepper. You could easily sub collard greens for the cabbage. Just add a tiny amount of sugar or honey (a teaspoon or two) if needed to offset any bitterness.

  15. You can water bath can your green tomatoes to have fried/baked green tomatoes later or make chow chow. It's wonderful with beans!

  16. When we lived in Germany, our friend had a huge, bush like plant. We asked my landlord what it was. It was celery. Her landlady would cut off what celery staljs she needed and left the rest of the plant. If froze back every year but would come back bigg the next spring.

  17. My mom is from Mississippi so she makes her greens with smoked meat. She will boil smoked ham hock, smoked turkey legs/wings, or smoked pork neckbones in water and pepper. Once the meat starts to get a little tender drop your greens in with a diced onion. Season with seasoning salt or regular salt (if needed), onion powder, a little garlic powder. Once greens are almost done add a can or fresh bunch of spinach & cook until done, remove bones from the meat and enjoy!

  18. Just found your channel and I'm hooked! I love that you explain lots of things like where you cut things and why and all the how tos. It's so helpful! My husband and I are in the learning and info gathering stage in prep for when we are able to have land and a homestead. We have a few veggies now but we're in a rental home so could only grow in pots. Love your channel! It's making me super excited for our future homestead!

  19. You take collards, onions, garlic, and red pepper flakes and cook them for an hour in chicken stock. At the end put in salt, pepper, and a splash or 2 of apple cider vinegar.

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