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Suffered Many Blows! China little pinks should decrease because been fooled too often/Fake foreigner

In China, people who are fervently patriotic or love the Communist Party are called Little Pink. No one has done any statistics on whether its number is growing or decreasing. But through personal observation, we believe that there should be fewer of them because this group is being impacted by information from all corners. Some should have gradually changed their minds.
This little Pink is surprised to discover that red China has become quite lonely in the world after several trips abroad.

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  1. Until they realize that their problems are a direct result of their Socialist ideology, they will only become more crazy, and their situation won't improve.

  2. Dude claimed to fight the 1st marine division? Um, they're in California… not deployed. So… how? Then he shows a pistol he claimed to get off one of them… it's a Chinese copy of a 1911. The colt 1911 which we haven't actively used since the 1990's, but again that's not what that was. It has a what's called a heal release for the magazine. Our 1911 magazine release is next to the trigger guard. But that's not what they have now. M9 is what they have…


  4. Maybe the pinks should demand that Russia give back the land that the Russian army took from them

  5. At leat I’m glad there were still some people who are still open minded and able to think for themselves in China. As my mom says one book of astrology on horoscopes read till old age.
    Another word those people don’t accept change. To them Mao de dong era lives forever. 🤦‍♀ That auntie yammering abut teenagers wearing shorts and western clothing. Is the perfect example. She truly believes people should at least still follow the 60’s era. 😂

  6. The reason that the European passengers were not checked is,
    European travellers luggage is secretly opened in a dedicated luggage opening department,
    And especially now that security laws regarding spy's are happening they very likely search every bag they want and you won't know it,
    Locks either picked or bypassed and parcels opened and repacked with the same exact wrapping.

  7. Honestly, I cannot blame them for how they think. They are just like Americans. When something is wrong with your country, and you can blame someone else, who do you blame? And you are, statistically less likely to blame yourself for issues in your own life. The main difference is in the US, we are taught to question our government. In China, they are not. They are taught what to think while we are taught how to think. Its why they have to copy everything and why the chip shortage is such an issue. Like for example, its been well established that organized religion is shunned or outright banned in China, especially western religions (there is a sort of cultural appreciation, love hate relationship with Buddhism and and other locally grown religions). Yet in one of those anti-USA protest pictures one person has a sign saying: God dont forgive them, they know what they are doing in perfect English. That means, the protest are government sponsored. Its the same thing Russia did after invading Ukraine. China is probably also purposely blocking access to certain Chinese Apps overseas, mainly so that foriegners cannot infultrate them, something that is well established outside of China. Meanwhile, the US will allow you to view and download illegal content if you want. They will eventually arrest you for it, but you can do it. Also ironic how he shows images of what looks like Saudi Arabia in that video message, who is know for its own for of agressive censorship. But eventually, everyone figures out 1+1 doesnt equal fish.

  8. Every cultural group has its lunatic fringe. The Han Chinese — who account for some 95% of China's population — have "little pinks", mindless racists who belong on the Planet of the Apes.

  9. I literately burst out laughing when that guy said he had just fought the US 1st marine division. The US marines are called the devil dogs, but the Americans didn’t name them that, the Germans in WWI did. The US Marines are so terrifying that their enemies compared fighting them to fighting hell hounds. Nobody is happy after fighting the US marines.

  10. The whole video was fine but from the point of the man fainting to the "table top" dance it lost me. We don't know what happened to that man. Maybe he had a heart attack! The dance is just a cultural biassed. I saw it as a curiosity, something different and fun to look at. I'm sure they did too. Are they conditioned to have a hive mind instead of independant thinking? Yes. Was that a sinister plan? Doubtful.

  11. CCP will held hostages their own money in the bank and cant withdraws it..and little pink will cry..an economic crisis already begun and the little pink will be a nice ransom.all their money will be held hostages..this maniac eras same just like in mao zedong..great famine killing millions of them by mao hands..the great leader..

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