Edible Gardening

Azomite Rock Dust in My Garden & Edible Trees!

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If you’re in the Phoenix, Arizona area you can get a bag of Azomite from me at http://jakemace.com/kungfu/Gardening.html

Azomite Rock Dust in My Garden & Edible Trees! I have found success with gardening for many reasons and one of the secrets I use is Azomite Rockdust Minerals. I add Azomite Rockdust to my raised bed gardens, edible trees, tropical trees, compost, and more!

Go To http://www.JakeMace.com and hit the “Urban Gardening” Link! 🙂

Also, Check Out “Shamus O’Leary’s” for Azomite at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shamus-OLearys-Tropical-Fruit-Trees/469661096392272?fref=ts

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  1. Thank you for the gifts of your knowledge and all that you share with us. Please, can you tell me what would be the difference between ordering Azomiteminerals as opposed to going to a rock quarry & getting mineral dust from their rock crushing processes? Thanks.

  2. Hey +VeganAthlete! Hello from Las Vegas. I'm interested in those Chiltepen Peppers that are native to this land. Do you know where I can get seeds. Thanks!

  3. Some people take Azomite internally to physically benefit from all the minerals present in this miracle rock. I mix together equal amounts of Azomite, calcium Bentonite, diatomaceous earth and psyllium seed then put a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of water, stir it well and drink it down every morning. Look up the benefits of each of those items and you’ll be amazed at the good they can do when taken internally.

  4. everything I eat is vegan..I look all around and make sure there's no face on my steak or hamburger or my bacon. I have had a pretty good run thus far. I have yet to find a single face.

  5. Do not believe this guy he is making money advertising. The dust should be sold with an activator pack containing living bacteria and fungi that can break the dust down into water solutions that are taken up by plants. Getting results from Azomite is debatable due to the abundance of other soil amendments used. Stick to well drained water retaining compost and loose material to stop the sun hitting the soil surface it never fails. Other amendments only apply to specialist plants.

  6. Awesome video Jake!!! I'm a fan of John C. I live in NJ. This is my first time i'm going to use anzomite. I've used rock dust in the past. But this anzomite is awesome. We NJ people love our jersey tomatoes lol.. thx Joe Tucci from Barrington Nj.

  7. there are many bad review videos about rock dust too on youtube.. need to test it for yourself to prove whether rock dust is good or not.. i personally already test it.. the verdict is, IT'S VERY GOOD! my pomegranate plant bears twice the harvest after using rock dust.

  8. The guy seems like a nice person. But rocked us is one of the biggest rip-off that's ever been on the books. It is basically rocks from a rock quarry. A disposable item from digging rocks. It would take it a thousand years before it would be something your parents can ingest.

  9. There is apparently no good evidence that rock dust is beneficial, except over very long time frames……200 years or more. (think volcanic soils which are weathered for thousands of years)

  10. I was interested until he started crowing about being vegan. Who cares about his dietary choices? I was looking for information on using rock dusts!

  11. I bet somebody is making a fortune off that Azomite, just grind cheap dirt it by the ton and sell it for a ridiculous amount per pound. (I use it too, just say'n)

  12. I miss the days he was normal and growing a great garden. Then he snapped and moved to Alaska and uses his girlfriend for offgrid clickbait 😳

  13. your azomite video is the best I have viewed. I would to like to recommend a good gardening book "Soil Science for Gardening" by Robert Pavlis – a wealth of soil info in this book. it is the best gardening book I have read.

  14. anyone figure out azomite cant be used by your plants yet? you need microbes to break it down first……
    me being a damn miracle man will explain how to apply azomite. feed it to your worms. the end.

  15. I find the "natural" on products means they usually sneak in chemicals …which is why they have to add it …instead of just saying organic

  16. I would wear a dust mask. Azomite is a silica and will damage your lungs if you breathe it in.

  17. Pretty sure your soil already is made of rocks you don’t need Magic Mormon rocks that been dug out of some ancient ass layer of earth. Keep your rock dust I know They just digging through the earth looking for more magic tablets from the angel Moroni selling us gentiles bags of the rock dust and laughing at us lawd they some attractive peoples tho

  18. Oh he hits all the liberal food justice individual shopping choices will save the world. Coconut coir you twunk touching with his hands rabbit poo. Buy some Fucking peat moss from our Canadian friends you don’t need Thai people shipping you they shredded coconuts Chile buy some peat moss support a Canadian

  19. Your hair would be 50 percent more full if you eat some butter you lucky you got good genes that vegan shit is 2000 and late WOD at CrossFit is 300 and 8

  20. I’m pretty sure the reason your garden does well is you Are obviously a passionate adventurous inquisitive hard-working well-meaning hot motherfucker Who can pay a fucking water bill and who needs to eat a steak but everyone got have flaws. I hope this bitch survive Covid he fine.

    Look your garden does well because you’re a good fucking gardener who is nailing all of his bases your rock dust dude

    you probably don’t have fucking trees in Arizona to like drop leaves so by all means use that Mormon magic rock it’s good shit breaking azomite he’s a Walt you can tell this motherfucker can be trusted with details. 3 kinds of basil. season one

  21. You can see he look hungry vegans starving they like 4th year college students buying adderral forgetting to eat looking gaunt but acing finals

  22. So homeboy Where is he it’s been seven years here’s my prediction the snackalmost certainly lives On Vashon island and has a charcuterie farm based Artisanal pork foods business and sells at the Ballard and U District Farmers Market. And he definitely has a $400 butcher block in his kitchen island that he and his Artisanal hog charcuterie farm interns have share group meals at

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