@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: Where Should You Plant Garlic in September?

In this video I’m going to let you know when to plant your garlic depending on your climate. I’ll also show you how to grow garlic for maximum production. I’ll also cover when to plant grocery store garlic and when to plant seed garlic.

Neptunes Harvest Link and Discount:

How to Harvest, Cure and Store Garlic: https://youtu.be/NhAxPhy0Nws

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  1. Great video just what I needed as I get confused with hard and soft neck! Not anymore!! ☘️ ☘️☘️☘️☘️😊

  2. i plant mine in the dirt lol. i couldnt resist. i have both hard and soft neck seed garlic ordered. i misunderstood the title. i thought u were going to pick an area by sun hours during summer (bulb development time), not 'in this zone u plant ur garlic in september.' i'm in nc in 7b; i dont plan on chilling bulbs preplanting. it gets freezing here in the winter.

  3. Thank you for this. Reallly wanted ro try and grow garlic. Im in zone 6 in Pa. How many should you plant?

  4. Do you recommend cutting the scapes off as they form? I read they will take the energy from the bulb and thus the bulb will not develop or grow to a good size. Thanks.

  5. Barstow here (8b), and we grew shallot and garlic, both soft- and hardneck. Had a HUGE harvest of hardneck, and the scapes were somehow even better than the hype I heard. We cooked them in stir-fry and was the best we've ever had. This harvest we'll be making a pasta dish focused on the scapes!

    Good luck on your hardneck. Some parts of Barstow are 9a, not our part, but they were able to handle our desert heat!

  6. Zone 9. Never have refrigerated soft neck before planting in November- bulbs have been large and vigorous. Going to try hard neck too.

  7. In zone 5 I plant around October, mulch and pretty much leaves alone until months later. When the scapes girl, I remove them to let the bulbs develop further. I harvest in June or July.

  8. Should U avoid planting garlic in beds where certain other plants were grown this season? Is it OK to plant in same bed they grew in this year? Garlic and onions are my favorite crops to grow. Thank you.

  9. I've tried growing garlic twice in CA and once here in NC with no success. But I'm not giving up. My seed garlic should arrive at the end of this month and I will follow your planting guidelines. Fingers crossed I will get a harvest this time.

  10. Would you recommend Mono Potassium Phosphate (0-52-34) as an "under root" dressing?

    Thanks for the video!!

  11. I grow farmers market garlic here in zone 10a NorCal and it's clearly hardneck w/ scapes. Best crop ever this past year! No chilling and just some balanced fertilizer. Easy.

  12. I was surprised when I went out one day in late June and all my garlic was flopped over like onions. I didn’t know garlic did that.

  13. Am I wrong to assume that I should not plant my garlic too early here in zone 4 because I do not want too much growth before we go into a four month long hard freeze?

  14. I have greenhouse in zone 3, and just stuck 3 cloves of grocery store garlic in the planting bed. They are come up and looking good so far. I guess we’ll see what happens!

  15. Thank you for this video. Organic Garlic has become extremely expensive in our area, and also hard to find. The garlic I can find, has very tiny cloves. I guess I have to try from seeds.

  16. So funny that you say you live in the “south”.
    I’m a San Diego native (now in Vermont) and NEVER referred to myself living in the “south”.
    Yes, Southern California.
    And think about garlic/potatoes sprayed with a sprouting inhibitor…plant manufacturers don’t want you to propagate your own food. Think Proven Winners. Patents and greed abound!

  17. Trying to grow garlic for the first time after 15 years of veg gardening. It's the length of grow time (8 – 9) months that has stopped me in the past I'll give it 2 feet of my 4'x6' corn bed and plant corn a little later next year.

  18. Yep! Grew Polish hard necks this past season and I’m in the Central Valley, zone 9b. Although, we did have an unusually cool and wet Spring this year. So, I don’t know if that was a factor in my success (also, I’m growing in Greenstalks). I’m going to add Polish soft necks to the mix this season for a comparison.

  19. Can I grow garlic in the same bed 2 years in a row? With amendments like compost and those you mentioned? Gratefully, we had a great crop last year, first time growing garlic. Zone 5b/6a.

  20. I'm in zone 9B. I have grown garlic purchased from reputable providers in the past and it was never anything to write home about, just fine but average. Years ago I decided to throw caution to the wind and plant some from the grocery store and it was fine, so I stopped paying more at the nursery. In the early days, I didn't know the garlic with scapes was a different kind, but when I found out it explained why mine never had any. I researched and found the hardneck wouldn't grow in my climate, so I was sad about it but, okay. Last year I saw some especially good-looking garlic in the grocery store, so I bought several bulbs. I planted the largest cloves — spaced sporadically throughout the flower garden, just filling in spaces where perennials were resting for the winter — and cooked with the smaller ones. It wasn't until early this summer that I saw garlic scapes for the first time ever! Not on all of them, but on many. So I harvested the scapes and cooked with them and was careful to mark those bulbs when I harvested to make sure I will have more hard-necked garlic to plant this year in November. In addition to growing hard-necked by accident in an area I'd always heard you couldn't, the finished product was absolutely the largest, best garlic I've grown. Sometimes it pays to get really old and do what they tell you you can't and have such a nice surprise. Mother Nature can be fickle and fun at the same time.

  21. And I live in zone nine on the north edge of the Sacramento, San Joaquin Delta. We seldom have a hard frost here. I put the garlic I intend to plant in the vegetable tray of my refrigerator for two months before I plant it. I generally plant my hard neck garlic the last week of October or the first week of November. So, I put it in my refrigerator for the months of September and October. I generally harvest my garlic the last week of May or the first week of June.

  22. Thanks for your information! Perfect timing. In Montana I grow both hardneck and softneck garlic. Last year I grew some organic grocery store softneck garlic from California. It did great here. I'll be planting garlic in the next month.

    Do you know if shallots bulbs can be planted in the fall here in a cold climate? I grew some from seed this year and I don't think they will store through the winter to plant the bulbs in spring.

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