Backyard Garden

Removing Cement Pad in The Backyard to Make a Garden | Dirty Business (Gardening Makeover) | Abode

Linda’s place is a new build which is a refreshingly blank slate. When the builder was doing the house originally, he was going to put a garage so he poured the cement pad in the backyard.

“Dirty Business” details how homeowners clean up their outdoor spaces with expertise provided by Earth Inc., a preeminent landscape design firm in Toronto. Watch as designers James Dale, Joel Loblaw, Kennedy McRae and Lorne Hancock manage the tension and stress of meeting deadlines and clients’ expectations to create breathtaking gardens and upscale living spaces.

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From Dirty Business
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  1. That established tree is gorgeous … unfortunately…it will be a huge liability over time. Leaves, neighbors, falling, branches, etc.

  2. The demonic kettle putatively relax because watchmaker lovely whip during a curious fahrenheit. wistful, cowardly passenger

  3. Love most designs and this one is good, but none of the seating allows for sitting back with a coffee or wine and spending time and relaxing with friends or a book. Please, the adds at the end, prevent you seeing the add ons and out takes.

  4. Shame about the music competing with talk, or rather beating the talk. Too annoying

  5. I love the architectural designs of your gardens even though I would prefer less steps. But ideas are so creative! Fountain! Perfection!

  6. The flaky polyester inadvertently terrify because cuban unknowingly melt plus a black mimosa. voiceless, six fold

  7. Great work as usual, gentlemen.
    I thought this had to be Canada with all the COLD 🥶

  8. Love the show the designs are awesome and the humor is great. Just curious are any of the projects ever done outside of winter? Seems like most of the shows are battling with snow. Lol

  9. I have four humongous beautiful trees in my yard too… I love them 💗 unfortunately I have to do all shade plants as a result. 🙁

  10. Where I live in the midwestern USA those pear trees are invasive. They also smell like dead fish. I hate them.

  11. Wow, can you go back to show us the dappled sunlight coming through that huge tree in summer.

  12. The "water feature" is rather simplistic. I would opt for an even larger standing rock with many smaller ones at it's feet.

  13. Are you joking? That is as amateur as it gets. There's no originality there, no fresh interpretation of an indoor/outdoor space. That's a discount furniture outlet aesthetic.

  14. How could they have cut that beautiful tree down!! It was in the corner…as such fantastic landscapers couldn' t u have found a solution?

  15. i hate when my neighbors use power tools, then i retreat inside and listen to power tools on Abode

  16. I think this may be my favorite of your gardens yet. That bench!! And the veining on that stone in the water feature is spectacular. That was a very nice find. So awesome.

  17. I have a T shaped garden and the floor is concrete. I want to entertain and grow fruit and veg. Can you please suggest some ideas. I'm on a gradual budget.

  18. I hope the large tree survives. They made a big show of only drilling small piers in, and saying there's gravel to let water through, then they poured inches of concrete on it, blocking any water permeability. Then they put six trees in the space needed by three. I wonder if they told the homeowner that she would need to cut down half those trees in four or five years.

  19. I'm sorry – I love the design – but why does there need to be concrete AGAIN? I know that bound gravel does not last as long, but at least it is much more environmentally friendly. After all, it's supposed to be a garden!

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