Gardening Supplies

Master Rain Gardener Certification Class 1of5

Class 1 of 5 is an introduction to what a rain garden is, and what is the environmental problem rain gardens address. It also covers the four most reliable rain garden plants, for any light situation.

This five-part class teaches how to design and build your own rain garden. Participants are certified as Master Rain Gardeners after they complete the class, and build their own rain garden.

Welcome to the Master Rain Gardener Certification class!
To watch classes 2 through 5, go to the Master Rain Gardener Webpage: and register for the class.
Presented by the Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner’s Office, Michigan.
Music by Joe Reilly
Presented by Susan Bryan, Harry Sheehan, and Shannan Gibb-Randall.

Master Rain Gardener class – online
Susan Bryan, host
Shannan Gibb-Randall, technical expert

Class 1 – Introduction – What & Why
Class Expectations – how to earn your certification and design your rain garden
Why build a rain garden? Guest speaker: Harry Sheehan, Deputy Water Resources Commissioner & Evan Pratt, Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner.
Story of a rain garden: Denise Held’s rain garden (sunny clay garden)
Plants of the Week: Stalwart plants that will work in any rain garden

Class 2 – Planning – where & how big
Where to put the rain garden
Percolation test
How big should this rain garden be?
Elements of a rain garden – what are the important parts?
Story of a Rain Garden Guest speaker: Roger Moon (shady clay garden)
Plants of the week – Shade

Class 3 – Digging – how
Review of site analysis
Become a Rain Garden Steward guest speaker: Catie Wytychak, Volunteer Coordinator, Washtenaw County Water Resources
Story of a Rain Garden alumni guest speaker: Pat Martz (sandy part shade garden)
Measuring your yard
Drawing a Plan on Paper
Plants of the week – Part Shade

Class 4 – Planting Design
How to Begin with Plants
Lifestyle based plant selection
Story of a Rain Garden alumni guest speakers: Leslie Kellman (sunny clay garden)
Plants that you suggested
Design the garden for your yard
Plants of the Day – Sun
Sources of plants

Class 5 – Four types of rain garden student designs:
Clay / Sunny rain garden
Loam / Sunny rain garden
Sandy gravel / part sun rain garden
Sandy / shade rain garden
Guest speakers: You! Student rain garden designs

This NPS Pollution Control project has been funded wholly or in part through the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s Nonpoint Source Program by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement 2014-0010 to Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner’s Office for the Rain Garden University project. The contents of the document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the United States Environmental Protection Agency or the Department of Environmental Quality, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

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