Japanese Garden

The Bonsai philosophy of Danny Use : I`m not creating trees, I create people who creating trees

We are starting a Bonsai-Series with Danny Use. In the 1st part of the series he will show us, how he create bonsai with his students from his school „Kei Bonsai Kai“ just from simple nursery stock.

#dannyuse #ginkgo #ginkgbonsaicenter #bonsai #bonsailovers #bonsaivideo #treeartbonsai #bonsaistyling #bonsaitree #yamadori #bonsainursery #nursery #thetrophy #dannyginkgo


  1. Awesome video once again, thanks for sharing. Great to know more about the origin of parsoni juniper. Even more stoked to hear since I have one from Danny’s nursery 🙏

  2. There are no rules just guidelines… I'm not creatung bonsai, I'm creating people who create bonsai… Very wise words and amazing trees. Looks like I need to find a bonsai teacher in my area 😊

  3. I'm a novice in the art of bonsai and only have been working with jade trees in Southern CA. I'm going to take the plunge with a cheap juniper from my local nursery and continue to learn from Treeart Bonsai videos. I have not taken any formal classes.

  4. Really really amazing video! I appreciate a lot this opportunity to learn and inspire myself to do better bonsai. Thanks a lot !

  5. Enthusiasm. Inspiration. Philosophy. Practice. Suggestions. Ideas. Thoughts.
    Everything inside.
    This series will be a dream!

  6. This guy is so charismatic! So much passion and joy from teaching Bonsai. Great fun to learn from him, thanks!

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