
mhpgardener: How to Control Ear Worms in Your Corn Using Bt – Bacillus thuringiensis

One of the biggest problems in growing corn is dealing with ear worms. They generally enter thru the silks and start eating the corn long before you ever have a chance. One of the best ways to control ear worms is by spraying with a product that contains BT, Bacillus thuringiensis. This is one of the most common organic methods for dealing with the worms. BT is safe for people and animals. A couple of the products that contain this form of BT are Thuricide, and Dipel. The spray or dust will only last about a week, or less if you have rain. So don’t forget to re-apply as needed. Keeping the worms at bay will allow you to harvest some very nice ears of corn.

More on BT : http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/insect/05556.html


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