@Alberta Urban Garden

Alberta Urban Garden: 12 Easy Tips To Save Money While Gardening

Today I thought I would share some quick tips that I use to help save money while gardening. I love gardening for a lot of reasons. It is a source of enjoyment that serves as a wonderful classroom for my son and it helps me save some money. While I have invested in building my garden this is the time of year it starts to pay me back in produce.

0:28 Reduce the Cost of Groceries
1:06 Focus on High Cost Crops
1:18 Free and Local Fertilizer Resources
2:00 Make Free Garden Soil
2:08 Using Rain Water to Save Money
2:43 Reusing Water from the Kitchen in the Garden
2:53 Save Seeds to Save Money
3:05 Starting your own Seedlings Saves Money
3:32 Investing in Perennial Fruit and Nut Producing Plants
3:51 Propagating Perennials to Save Money
4:08 Process Crops to Higher Value Products
4:43 Building from Recycled or Naturally Sources Materials

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