Vegetable Gardening

I’m Flooded! – Gardening ideas – vegetable gardening – portable mobility scooter

While we were away at Alton Towers I had no idea my allotment was flooding!

Just a Shropshire Lad, doing a bit on the days when he can because… #AnyoneCanGarden #InvisibleDisability

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  1. Hey! I've just come across your channel and had to giggle about your experiences on the mobility scooter! I use one for any distance longer than 50 metres and know exactly what you mean about getting so wet down to your pants! Not only that, but in crowds a la Alton Towers, all we're doing is staring at people's backsides because we're at that level!! Great we can laugh at ourselves!! Great channel

  2. I actually laughed out loud at the description of the makeshift kilt! 😂 I bet your son had a ball, a great day out there! Hope you get the allotment sorted!

  3. Omg. I hope the chucks are OK. Will the allotment big wigs not sort out the drainage? It's the same in the allotments at the bottom of my garden. I don't think they rent out the ones that get flooded year after year which is a shame.

  4. Alton Towers in the wet doesn’t look good mate. Glad you didn’t film your make shift kilt😄 The flooding was really bad at your allotment. Hope it’s receded now. Take care. Nick

  5. You had a good attitude about getting wet pants. Made me laugh. That is what my mind of luck would be. Hope the rain stops for a little bit and let's all that ponding drain off. You might have to get tiny life preservers for your tomatoes and peppers. LOL keep us posted as to how it's going.

  6. Sometimes the only way to express emotion is with strong language. Congrats on the growing subscribers Ross! A very happy birthday wished for Seth.

  7. Head off to an Army surplus store and get a waterproof poncho. I have a UK paratrooper issue one.

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