
mhpgardener: Transplanting Seedlings from the Cold Frame

On Jan 25, I planted a lot of seeds in my cold frame. Things have gone very well, with the exception of the weather. It’s been a cold and rainy Spring, so I’m behind on my planting. The seedlings were getting too big, and I really needed to get them transplanted into the garden. With rain on the way, I was able to get the soil tilled up a bit and finally do some planting. The soil wasn’t quite as dry as I’d like to have it, but I think everything will be ok.

Rob’s Brassica Video: http://youtu.be/27Ec-rSKzKk

Navajopa31’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/navajopa31

My new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mhp.gardener

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