Gardening Supplies


This is an 18+ Medical Cannbis organic indoor grow guide/gardening video. The channel is for education and entertainment purposes only.

In this video we go over the ingredients and recipe for the vegetative super soil mix from Organic East Gardener. I have been seeing amazing results on my seedlings and clones. If you want to see really amazing results head over to the OEG instagram page and check out his work. This recipe, the flower mix, and the additive products have been designed to be as cheap as possible, easily accessible, and pretty much as a set it and forget it type of mix. This recipe would produce great results as water only. OEG waters in with 3ml of URB Natural for pretty much every watering from start to finish. He also uses some other products here and there in between watering which we will cover in the upcoming catalyst, enhancer, supplementation video. This is a fantastic recipe. S/O @organiceastgardener for sharing and allowing us to share. If you use this and find impressive results, please thank the man behind the design by tagging your photos on IG with #OEGMethod … Thanks for stopping by. If you enjoyed this video please help spread the good word on URB. ML&R


  1. Got some Urb Naturals ordered, can't wait to give it a try. When it comes to inoculants, I didn't want to charge out the gate with bad habits.

  2. Great method. Wouldn't recommend changing ingredients or tagging OEG in the method on IG. Dude doesn't like it.

  3. What is a good secondary compost that is easy to source without crazy amounts of pests? I’m still waiting on my oly mountain to arrive but I need to get cooking. My 6 week veg time is starting to look like 3. Want to get this URBANDMETHOD going ASAP! I’ve got everything but that and recyclesil. I can go without silicate and foliar power si for now. But I need compost.

  4. Is there a substitute for bio live? Bio fish maybe? They are out of stock or can I leave it out and have everything else?

  5. Can you drop the video for the bloom mix? You just need to water twice with these supersoils??

  6. Can you just write down the recipe? I don’t need an hour tutorial about how you can mix pro mix with your hand!

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