Edible Gardening

How to Harvest & Store Sweet, Ripe Loquats Every Single Time

John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ shows you how to harvest and store fresh loquat fruits the best way possible so you get sweet fruit every single time. You will also learn how to best harvest and store the fruit for longer-term storage.

In this episode, you will learn how and when John harvests his loquat trees (Eriobotrya japonica) that he grew from seed that took about 7 years before the trees started growing fruits.

Loquat fruits also known as Japanese medlar, Japanese plum, or Chinese plum are a common evergreen landscape tree that is planted in California and has edible fruits. Loquats are in the Rosaceae family (related to pears and apples) and originated from South-Central China. Loquats should not be confused with Kumquats which are citrus fruits which are from South-Eastern China.

You will learn how not to harvest loquats, and how how to harvest them the best way possible. You will also discover how to best store them and how to eat them so they are even sweeter.

Jump to the following parts of the Episode:
00:00 Episode Start
00:11 How and When to Harvest Loquat Fruit
00:55 How long do loquats take to fruit from seed
01:23 When to harvest loquats
01:45 Worst Way to Harvest Loquats
02:24 How to Eat Loquats – Skin is Edible
02:50 Seeds inside the Loquat
03:21 Proper Way to Harvest Loquats without Damage
04:00 How to Peel Loquats So they are Sweeter
04:46 What the fruit tastes like without skin
05:10 Where are the ripest fruit on the tree?
06:25 All the Loquats I harvested

After watching this episode, you will learn everything you need to know about harvesting and storing loquat fruits that may be growing in your neighborhood.

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  1. Jump to the following parts of the Episode:
    00:11 How and When to Harvest Loquat Fruit
    00:55 How long do loquats take to fruit from seed
    01:23 When to harvest loquats
    01:45 Worst Way to Harvest Loquats
    02:24 How to Eat Loquats – Skin is Edible
    02:50 Seeds inside the Loquat
    03:21 Proper Way to Harvest Loquats without Damage
    04:00 How to Peel Loquats So they are Sweeter
    04:46 What the fruit tastes like without skin
    05:10 Where are the ripest fruit on the tree?
    06:25 All the Loquats I harvested

  2. Soooo glad you've made shorter than 50 minute videos. I've followed for the better part of a decade or more and hoped one day you'd do so.

  3. They're all over the east coast as well. From Central Florida, where I live, up into the Carolina's and probably more than that. Even when clipping and fridging, they don't store long, but I lov'em!

  4. My loquat that I grew from seed took me about 5 years to produce fruit here in zone 9b, it has such an amazing flavor, can't wait until my start producing next month.

  5. My loquats are oblong about 2". To eat I cut off the 'belly button', split in half, remove seeds and eat. I will freeze them that way also. Hurricane Ian did a great deal of damage to my biggest loquat – even imbedding a piece of shingle in the trunk. That loquat has finally died, but I have 2 offspring that are doing well & should fruit next year.

  6. πŸ’šβ€¦ I grew up in cali and enjoyed this fruit every summer. β€” If possible, I’d like to grow a Loquat here in Vegas.

  7. Such an underrated fruit. My grandparent had 2 trees at their home when I was a kid.

  8. You are so cool man! I love your videos brother! I live outside of Savannah, GA. I purchased my first greenhouse 8×16 growing some delcious microgreens! Living a healthier lifestyle! πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸ‡πŸˆπŸ‰πŸŠπŸ‹πŸŒπŸπŸ₯­πŸŽπŸπŸπŸ‘πŸ’πŸ«πŸ₯πŸ…πŸ«’πŸ₯₯πŸ₯‘πŸ†πŸ₯”πŸ₯•πŸŒ½πŸŒΆπŸ«‘πŸ₯¬πŸ«‘πŸ₯’πŸ₯¦πŸ§…πŸ„πŸ₯œπŸŒ°

  9. Hey John! It was so cool to see you at the Heirloom Expo in Ventura the other day, I didnt want to bug you since you looked busy. Ive been checking out that Nama J2 and it looks amazing. The Omega horizontal we got from you way back is still going strong. Keep up the great work.

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