@California Gardening

California Gardening: How To Grow Sunchokes or Jerusalem Artichokes In Containers or Pots Plus Recipe

Sunchokes or Jerusalem Arctichokes are easy to grow plants that produce delicious tubers that are edible. We also show you a Sunchoke soup recipe.

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We begin with growing sunchokes from grocery store. We plant it in a small contaier first before transplanting it into a bigger pot. For the soil we use lots of compost, sand and perlite. Choose a sunny spot for your sunchokes or Jerusalem Artichoke plant. Water your jerusalem artichoke plant every day during the hot season.

The Jerusalem artichoke plant is a great addition to your vegetable garden. The tubers it produces are delicious and nutty, similar to a potato or taro root. The sunchoke plant also produces beautiful yellow flowers that stand out in your garden.

Interestingly the Jerusalem Artichoke (Sunchoke) plant is neither related to Jerusalem, not related to artichokes! This plant belongs to the sunflower family.

After harvesting the tubers, we show you a delicious sunchokes soup recipe.

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