Gardening Supplies

Cascade Juniper Bonsai Styling – Replacing a Stolen Bonsai

In this video, Jason works on a cascading juniper bonsai that he’s been cultivating for the last two years to replace the similar styled stolen one two years ago. Hosted by Jason Chan of Eastern Leaf.

Tree Species: Juniper Procumbens Nana

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  1. Amazing! Curious why you removed so much growth from the back? I'm working on a tiny cascade and I'm not having much luck (had one branch die on me).

  2. I like the Crescent, but its too long & leggy. I'd say cut it but make a Crescent with a compact structure.
    Those downward trunk could use a bit of bends.

  3. Sorry you didn't get your stolen trees back. I had something similar happen to me and I never recovered my three stolen bonsai trees.

  4. I think you should keep that bottom part as it give balance to the upper branches on that main down branch. All the best 👍🏼

  5. All your videos are great. Do you have any video where you showing how exactly and what exactly to cut when you doing pruning and shaping itoigawa junipers?

  6. I don't blame you at all for taking time away from all of it. Sorry you were not able to recover any of them, but glad you are back at it.

  7. I to have lost my interest in my trees as well after the cold freeze and this hot summer in Houston and a bad breakup I don’t look at my trees hardly I still not feeling it and thinking about giving it up my trees don’t even care if i attend to them or not since there doing fine alone…. I’m Glad to see you are back at it sir maybe I’ll give it a try to…

  8. So lovely, please don’t cut off the lower portion. It is perfection and may be more beautiful than the one that was stolen!

  9. Beautiful and I have always enjoyed your videos. I started watching you first when I needed to learn about figs. I like the bottom branch myself.

  10. Oh how I remember you having trees stolen. Just before and shortly after your theft, we had a few finished beautiful trees stolen. A Shimpaku Juniper and mature Hinoki Cypress. And a few young bonsai. It was a devastating experience. But this video shows we can continue our time with this living art form.

  11. Love the videos, sorry for the loss. Need to move on and leave the negative vibes out of your future videos. You have an amazing talent with usual positive energy. Don't let them steal that from you too. Love your work.

  12. A thief can come and steal your works of art, but they can’t steal your gift, your vision or your talent because they reside in the soul. Keep creating Jason!

  13. leave it – horizontal pad trails like the heavy fabric of a samurai's cloak or pools limpidly like the reflection of moonlight on water at midnight (literati ought call to mind somewhat nature's grandeur in a poetical fashion, right) chuckle

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