
mhpgardener: How to Start Seeds in a Cold Frame – Fun in the Snow :)

It’s time to start thinking about starting seeds. For people who don’t have a greenhouse, or don’t want to mess with soil inside their home, one of the easiest ways to start seeds is in a cold frame. They are easy to make, often from recycled material around your home. Lumber, cinder blocks, straw bales.. whatever you can find to make a box to hold your soil. Then just cover it with a storm door, window, or even a piece of plastic. What you’re doing is building a miniature greenhouse.

Start seeds as you normally would in your garden. You can provide additional heat by using a heat lamp. And to hold in the heat on those cold nights, cover it with something like a heavy tarp. Don’t forget to open the box on the sunny days once the seedlings have sprouted. It can get pretty warm in a cold frame.

For people who struggle with leggy seedlings, a cold frame is a great way to solve that problem. Let the seeds sprout in a natural setting with plenty of sunlight. They’ll be just fine.

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