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Investing in a ‘Ticking Time Bomb?’ | China In Focus

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U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo says China is “uninvestable” for foreign businesses.
How much truth is there in her words?
And what’s behind China’s economic fog, with its crumbling real estate market, stacking state debts, and money fleeing the country?

00:00 Intro
00:32 Investing in a ‘Ticking Time Bomb?’
01:09 U.S. Firms Hit by China’s Anti-Espionage Clampdown
02:09 China’s Anti-Espionage Act Raises Concerns in the West
03:49 More U.S. Companies on China’s Chopping Block
04:57 Economic Impact of Poor U.S.-China Relations: Newsham
07:37 Chinese Real Estate Crisis Deepens
09:14 China’s Local Level Debt: Max. $23 Trillion
10:07 China: Investments Plunge; Billionaires Flee
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  1. Here's the plan:
    Demonize foreign companies/foreigners
    Claim the foreigners are spies and thieves
    Rally the populace to claim the foreigners hate them
    Train the population to hate foreigners
    Claim the foreigners are planning war on the Chinese people.
    Crash the economy and point to the people who hate the Chinese
    Go to war against those who have caused this pain (the foreigners)

    The result? Maintain power, grow the party.

  2. China is perfectly investable… If you are dumber than a bag of hammers and don't mind your money vanishing with no return.

  3. says USA that in SOOOOO MUCH debt that even China got some from them to help USA , but USA is still the best and know best what a joke lol

  4. Those who invest in China's real estate, bonds, or stocks, fixated on the interest rates and returns touted by the CCP, often fail to realize that what the CCP is really after is how to swindle your principal by all means possible. However, those who invest in the CCP's rogue regime without any moral qualms are generally short-sighted, unscrupulous profiteers, and they have only themselves to blame when their investments turn to dust!

  5. Me to China: Lets both stop acting like little bitiches and taking things away from one another and instead realize this can go really good and we work things out or really the worst you and everyone on the whole planet does not want. Assured Mutual Destruction.

  6. You don't see CJP's confidence? Not just CJP but Ptn & BRICS+.
    Something is coming, formalised since BRICS; USA (and you) outsiders not at least heard the rumors, or choosing to ignore them sour of not be let in on it.
    Be patient for a little while longer, it'll be revealed when it's already unstoppable.

    Bigger news is still the idiocy of USA, so bad even their own MSM not blocking it, in denial they simply wont touch it.

  7. India 🇮🇳 is even more univestabke in the long term than the People's r. Of CHina 🇨🇳, and yet Gina Raimondo was foolish enough to praise the Hindu—supremacist Indian government.

  8. How can you invest in China 🇨🇳 when you keep banning their business? Only an idiot would invest in the US when Crooked Joe Biden was running the show! 🎉🎉🎉

  9. China is not investible for the US and cohorts only.
    Because China no longer TRUST them, especially US of A. China will not believe what you say, but will observe what you do
    before during and after your useless visits.
    If you are wise China is wiser, no?


  11. Entire world should to boycott and blocking their product..and china will blocking all foreign money from been bring out..and confiscated it…they will do that..

  12. Truth, they are now land and teritorial grabbers. They behave unlawfully in the international rukes and standards Same as the Russian president.😎👎🇺🇸🇵🇭🇫🇰🇨🇵🇩🇪🇵🇪🇮🇳🇮🇱

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