@Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening: Living with 700+ Houseplants and a Hen in Brooklyn, NYC 🌿πŸ₯ | House Plant Tour

Today’s episode is truly EPIC. I met up with Summer Rayne Oakes doing an in-depth tour of her incredible house in Brooklyn, NYC. Summer is known for her website, Homestead Brooklyn and her wildly-popular YouTube series, Plant One On Me.

What makes her house so epic, you ask? She’s created a veritable urban jungle, with 500-700+ houseplants in just about every nook and cranny of her house.

She’s growing some rare and difficult to cultivate species, but also growing in a variety of methods. From sub-irrigated plant walls, to a Biopod, to classic containers, there’s something to learn in this video, no matter what type of indoor gardening you’re into.

Plus…she has Kippee the hen as a pet! I was thoroughly impressed by Summer’s breadth and depth of plant wisdom, as well as how she connects it to a deeper way of life. Truly something special.

I hope you all enjoy today’s video and if you’d like more tours like this, please let me know who I should visit next!


0:38 – Intro
2:17 – Kitchen & Dining Area
6:19 – Living Room
8:02 – Sub-Irrigated Living Wall
12:06 – Biopod
15:21 – Converted Closet Garden
17:35 – Cacti Corner
18:26 – Outro & Conversation

β†’ Aspect Indoor LED Light: https://amzn.to/2QJUHDF
β†’ https://www.homesteadbrooklyn.com
β†’ https://www.instagram.com/homesteadbrooklyn
β†’ Preorder Summer’s Houseplant Masterclass: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/houseplant-masterclass


Epic Gardening is much more than a YouTube channel. I have a website with 300+ gardening tutorials as well as a podcast where I release daily gardening tips in five minutes or less. There’s also a Facebook group with over 1,500 other gardeners sharing their tips.

β†’ Website: http://www.epicgardening.com/blog
β†’ Podcast: https://apple.co/2nkftuk
β†’ FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/epicgardening/


If you like my videos, articles, or podcast episodes, please consider supporting on Patreon. For rewards, I’ll answer gardening questions and make videos!

β†’ https://www.patreon.com/epicgardening


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