Vegetable Gardening

Six New Trellises from Old Materials for my Permaculture Vegetable Garden

I love the character of lots of different trellises in a garden and I love the extra growing space it creates. In today’s video i gather some materials from around the farm to build six new trellis structures for my vegetable garden.

0:00 Intro
0:56 Gathering materials – ladder
1:34 Gathering materials – tree prunings
3:52 Gathering – screen door
4:09 Gathering leftover steel mesh
5:50 The plan
8:08 Renovating the ladder and erecting it
10:40 Small mesh panel trellis construction
12:14 Tee Pee Style trellis construction
15:25 Arch and door trellis
18:43 Relocating old bean trellis
20:57 Outro
21:21 The next day ….


I’ve started a buymeacoffee page – it should be renamed buymeaplant page as I hope to use funds raised here to diversify my trees and shrubs in my food forest. If you’d like to support me – link is below!! Thank you!

#permaculturegarden #trellis #nodiggarden


  1. Awesome trellises! I love the one with the door and also the old ladder. I have some of those – now I need to figure out, how to use them! Thanks for that great idea!
    I basically use all my fences as trellises- Mostly to "tame" my raspberries, blackberries and the caucasian mountain spinach.
    For more stability you could connect the two teepees at the top with one or two long branches – maybe the plants will even climb that high and start to drape over it.
    Here it is common to use branchy sticks of hazel to support peas: plant the peas, let them sprout, then push the sticks next to the pea plants so that they immediatly "find" their "climbing stick" when they start growing – some even "accidentally! grow more hazel trees that way ☺ Win-Win 🙂

  2. "Success is ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration." You certainly worked hard to build your new trellises! And you made them all from recycled materials. Great job!

  3. You know I love a good repurpose too Linda 🙌🏼
    We recently used an old mattress frame for sweet peas, and it looks really good for something that usually ends up junk.
    Love your ideas and they look wonderful 🌱🌱 xx Cathi xx 😘

  4. So good to see the construction of these trellises! Knowing that you will show the progress of the many plants climbing on them over the coming season. They will add so much structure and charm to your lovely abundant garden.
    I must haul out some 6m x 2.4m weldmesh sheets from the undergrowth, and create tunnels for tomatoes, capsicums, cucumbers, melons, grapes and runner beans etc, as originally intended many years ago! I need to be able to cover them in greenhouse polythene against the numerous summer frosts I get.
    Gorgeous sunny morning here today, but it's still very chilly after a white-out last night. That's typical of my growing season.

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