Japanese Garden

Use Vinegar on your Garden and Be Amazed What Happens

Horticulture Vinegar: http://amzn.to/2BhGtBX
Soil acidity tester: http://amzn.to/2DuuAyv
Spray Vinegar on your garden and be amazed what happens.
5. Kills weeds
An excellent natural herbicide, normal white vinegar can be used to control unruly plants in your garden. Acetic acid in vinegar dries weeds out and kills them easily and effectively. Apply the vinegar should be done with a spray bottle that is full of white vinegar and 2 teaspoons of dish soap to help it stick to the leaves. Ideally spray the vinegar during a hot sunny day in the morning to amplify the drying power of the vinegar on the weeds. Spray the leaves as well as the roots for maximum effect. If it rains you’ll likely have to reapply the spray. If normal white vinegar doesn’t work you can pick up some stronger horticulture vinegar which we’ll link below that’ll need to be diluted down to 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar.
4. Deter Pests and Animals
Most creatures insect or furry don’t like the smell of vinegar and will stay away at all costs. Rodents, raccoons, deer, cats, moles, skunks, and rabbits will all steer clear of your property simply soaking some old clothes or rags in vinegar and placing them around your property. Vinegar can be sprayed to stop the building of an ant hill or to deter bugs fruit flies and snails.
3. Removes Rust From Garden Tools
Do you have old rusty tools that you wish were shiny and new again? Vinegar is an effective cleaning tool on rusty, spray your tools with a healthy amount of vinegar then wrap it with paper towel and a plastic bag. Repeat this step for each tool that is rusty then let the vinegar sit on the tools for a full day. The next day you want to scrub the tools with a brush and baking soda neutralize the acidity then wash clean. Just like that your garden tools are new again.
2. Fungus and Mold Removal
Heavily shaded plants may develop fungus or mold spraying these plants with vinegar will help remove that mold and vinegar. This same technique works to remove mold in your house as well.
1. Acidify the Soil
Plants that thrive with more acidic soil will benefit from being sprayed with vinegar. Begonias, gardenias, blue hydrangea, holly, azalea, bleeding heart, blueberries and pine trees. First off you’ll want to test your soil’s acidity which can be actually done with a tester we’ve linked below.
If your soil needs more acidity then add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to 1 gallon or 3.8 liters of water. Water your plants thoroughly then check the ph daily to see where it’s at. If you are so inclined you can monitor and change the ph per plant for the ideal growing conditions.
Heinz White Vinegar, 12/2014, Pic by Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel and JeepersMedia on YouTube. #Heinz #Vinegar


  1. Sorry , now falls seasons already used Vinegar what’s for …? Thanks for posting,crazy …?( Legions veterans)🇺🇸🇫🇷🇬🇧🇨🇦🇹🇼🤭🇮🇪👎


  3. I tried vinegar on weeds. It dried out the leaves after about 2 days, then the weed just grew back. You mention spraying the roots.. good luck. Best just to pull the weeds

  4. Your information is too general. Did Heinz pay you for the plug or are you just selling soil pH testers? Someone should spray you with vinegar. lol

  5. In order to spray the roots, carefully dig up the weeds, wash the dirt off the roots, spray with vinegar, then carefully re-plant the weeds. Works every time!

  6. Fungus is supposed to eat the dead stuff buy biodegrading one starts biodegrading you can eat it or when it's in the ground sort of.

  7. Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!! Urgently!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I sprayed vinegar mixed with water to Evening Promise plants because they have many insects. Few minutes later I washed plants and pour lime water to adjust acidity. But those leaves looks wilted and drying out.
    How to save the plants and cure the soil?

  8. I about dropped over that someone actually started their video out talking about what they came on to talk about without giving me some lengthy lecture about the history of vinegar. Thank you.

  9. For changing soil pH, this says to spray the vinegar-water solution then test again. This immediate re-test would seem to be impressive but it only changes the pH of the Water Portion of the soil, NOT the Mineral Portion which is the Cause of the pH level. Stop watering with a vinegar solution and the pH immediately returns to the higher level. It takes TIME to break down the minerals–months & years.

  10. Acetic acid (vinegar) will kill anything eventually but you may need a few applications. Roots may survive the initial leaf death. If you add salt, it can speed up the process but then the soil can become quite toxic to anything you may want to plant later. A little dish soap assists in getting the acetic acid to stick to the leaves. Household vinegar in my opinion is too weak and I've had better results with 15-20 % acetic acid. I'm experimenting with citric acid since it is a solid. 100 % acetic acid (glacial acetic acid) is hazardous and hard to obtain inexpensively.

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