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Welcome to my allotment gardening channel. My name is Emma and these vlogs are my allotment diaries. 2022 is is my third year on my plot. I’m learning as I go and would love for you to follow my allotment gardening journey by SUBSCRIBING to my channel!

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  1. looking forward to your 'slug defences' video emma, thats a great idea. i hate the little buggers, they have caused so much damage! <3

  2. If I were you I would ask for a refund on your special slug pellets😂

  3. I think I mentioned before Emma but pistachio nut shells work for me. They hate the salt and obviously the texture. Good luck darling xx

  4. I use crushed egg shells on my garden to protect from slug damage. I put them in the oven when cooking and then crumble them into a pot. I encircle the plants with shells Seems to work for me

  5. Slugs and snails didn’t eat my pumpkins, squash and courgettes, but pesky mice got into my little plastic greenhouse and ate every single seed! And also got at bean seeds !!

    I could have cried!

    Have resown what seeds I had left and now in my kitchen!

  6. I think you just put stuff in when it’s too small – plants need to be a decent size before they go in the ground and are then far more prepared for slug attacks

  7. Put baking soda around the plants that you want the slugs to leave alone it'll be poem Plus baking sodas and natural food source for your plants.

  8. What I want to know is Emma, why don't the slugs and snails eat weeds?? surely some of them must taste ok. Can you imagine weeds being eaten and no more weeding. Looking forward to the vlog on deterrents, I need all of them . We will win the battle against those slimy critters 🤣🤣🤣 xx

  9. Ground coconut shells around the beds has been working for me. They are sharp and snails don't like that. But I don't know if that is something you can easily buy in the UK.

  10. Hedgehogs and birds love eating snails. If you can encourage them to come to your garden they will help you 😊

  11. Definitely Slug beer traps work. Remember that all the adults you get cannot breed so each time some go they should be getting less and less.

  12. Great video Emma! I may have to try the nettle feed as we have so much of it around the edge of our site so it will be perfect. Thanks for sharing 👍

  13. Hi Emma I’m not putting anything out yet live in Nottingham it’s cold & very wet ! I watch gardners world love it 🥰 lv Irene 😘 xx

  14. I’ve tried egg shells and the wool pellets. Recently bought the Slugless you talked about and am about to get some strulch. So will be looking forward to your next video to see what else I can try.

  15. I just adore your personality Emma – absolute joy to watch along with these great tips ❤

  16. Your Tomato plants look a bit on the small side to be set out yet even in the polly tunnel , feeding is not a good idea until fruits start to form on first truss ,it encourages the foliage but not the fruit unless you grow for foliage and not fruit. You may find your string will rot under ground from the damp, better to put a cane in about 4 to 5 foot and tie string to top of it ,I tie it then a couple of raps of insulation tape as well. Slugs are certainly a menace this year reading peoples posts on Facebook ,I have sharp stone paths between my 9 beds that slugs and snails hate crossing ,still think you will find a good quality slug pellets will work better than all the scrunches .Clearing some of the rubbish from your allotment and digging out weeds not just pulling or hoeing the tops off will help and when you gather some don’t chuck them next door as they know where the food is and will be back the same night ,take them with you and release the other side of the allotments well away from yours . Good luck lets hope it’s a good growing season.🌹🌹

  17. Hi Emma you can buy slug collars which are brilliant to go round individual plants like dahlias or tomatoes which will at least give them a fighting chance to get bigger

  18. Sheep's wool around the base of plant's is very helpful 😊

  19. Even the organic pellets are harmful to earthworms apparently. The way that feels best to me is encouraging wildlife that predate on slugs and your whack it in method!

  20. It’s too cold here Norfolk to be planting out sunflower and courgette plants. Night temperatures drop too much. I hope yours survive. I know it’s great to start planting but maybe better to give it a couple of more weeks, it gives them a fighting chance.

  21. Emma Lidl have a packet of seeds that are suppose to be anti slug and snail. Not sure if it works but could be worth a look

  22. I relate to this so much! Hands up whoever has felt personally victimised by slugs and snails 🙌🏻

  23. I hate slugs they ate my caulks and cabbage babies
    Have resorted to slug pellets now, sorry but had to be done.

  24. Oh Emma, I adore you, but please don't do the beer trap. It looks like you got a lot of leopard slugs which are the hunters of our naughty slugs.
    No hate, just an FYI xx

  25. Looking for your advice on handling slugs in the garden. I don’t have many snails. My biggest torment is caterpillars 🐛 of the cabbage white butterfly. I thought the butterfly was pretty until I started growing brassicas this year. I have killed over 70 caterpillars in a few days. Not feeling good about it, but I must defend my cabbage and kale. I placed tulle fabric over the tops of my growing tubs, anchored with clothespins. This may save my plants. I hope. I commiserate with you Emma. Hang in there!

  26. Hello Emma your work is so nice and also I love the colour of your gardening shoes in this video, may I ask where did you buy them. What is the most valuable plant to grow in an garden to help towards shopping less.
    Thanks. My tomatoes are about a month behind yours I potted them up only last week.. What would you like to see your fans ask you in the future outside of gardening, hobbies. Food ideas or sports and just walks in nature or shop tours. Like how to shop well for less. Have a great week Emma and take care.

  27. We've built a mini crown of thorns around some plants by using really sharp old bramble canes! I'm sure those prickles would put any slug or snail off! Worth a try! ❤️

  28. Your tantrum with the pretty snail made me laugh out loud 😀 we’ve just taken on a new plot which is a huge mess. We’re very familiar with the capabilities of bloody snails and slugs :p

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