
Dinteranthus microspermus ssp puberulus monstrosity

After seeing u/New_Dragon_Lady ‘s post earlier today I thought I’d share my abomination. Upon purchase this was just one leaf pair. It has since flowered thrice AND grown a new leaf pair from the base that has already divided, all while the old/original leaf pair is also dividing, with one of those new leaf pairs ALSO dividing. There is also some weird growth at the base of the plant. I can only assume this is a byproduct of overwatering in summer and over-fertilisation, both hardly surprising as this was my first time growing such a plant. I’ve had good fun playing with all the pollen it produced but for now leave it dry to slowly absorb what it needs to.

by KiwiFella07

1 Comment

  1. GoatLegRedux

    I’ve had mostly good luck with the few Dinteranthus I’ve kept. They’re odd in that they’ll happily take water at any time of the year as long as they’re showing signs of thirst. I had one tiny vanzylii that burnt in a hot snap one year, and its siblings we’re eventually kidnapped by birds (a common problem with mesembs around these parts). My big vanzylii is currently flowering, but I wont be able to snap a good pic until Saturday unfortunately.

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