Garden Plans

Family’s reaction to me buying new plants! | Plant Haul | Season Special | #gardenup #planthaul

I went plant shopping, after 1.5 years! And, as you can expect, I went crazy and hoarded a lot of plants. So, which plants did I get and how did my son and husband react to this? Watch the full video here:


  1. You are just like me Ekta ji! Hi, from Florida ! 😊❤And and just saw your you tube channel and got hooked !am fascinated by all your collection of plants ! Omg/ you are like my Big sister, Lol! 😂 I am plant crazy too so I think we will like each other as we have similar thought waves 😂and plant 😂ways of thinking ( I hope!) I hope to chrck out all your videos one by one when I find some time during weekends from all my hectic ( you guessed right! Plant work! 😂 😊 hope it inspires me to do better n have better healthier plants – until next time sister- 😊 cio!

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