@Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening: Biofertilizers Experiment: Testing Earth Alive Soil Activator (Part 2)

Well friends…looks like we have a little update for the biofertilizer experiment. The peas didn’t go so well due to growing conditions and a difference in stem production on the peas themselves.

I’ve decided to transition the experiment over to two ‘Dark Galaxy’ tomato plants and move them into 5 gallon buckets. This means adding fresh potting soil, as well as adding my Epic Soil Starter organic fertilizer to both.

I inoculated one of the tomato plants with Earth Alive Soil Activator. The logic here is that the addition of organic fertilizer + the microbial inoculant should make the fertilizer bioavailable quicker and thus produce more vigorous growth in the inoculated tomato.

Stay tuned for more updates in this series and leave your prediction below!


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→ Earth Alive Soil Activator: http://earthalivect.com/business-units/soil-activator/
→ Epic Soil Starter: https://www.gardenmaker.com/partner-mixes/epic-soil-starter


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