
Growing Cucumbers From Sowing to Harvest

šŸ’› šŸ“– See the GrowVeg book here:
Crunchy cucumbers, fresh from the garden are in a league of their own. Thereā€™s nothing as cool as a homegrown cucumber!

Cucumbers grown in the greenhouse require slightly different care from those grown outdoors.

In this short video we show you how to grow both outdoor and greenhouse varieties, and share our nifty idea for making a fantastic cucumber frame to grow them up for easy picking.

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner or Garden Journal which are available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
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  1. My girlfriend started growing these but I've never seen her cook with them……. Weird….. I've never seen her happier tho, she must love gardening.šŸ˜Š

  2. We have such different growing techniques yet reach the very same results.
    I'll keep on watching and liking your videos.

  3. Honestly, you're the best source of gardening know how all in one place.

  4. Why do the seedlings get droopy all of a sudden? Any particular reason? Do you use a heat mat? Thanks

  5. Something i have always wondered is why are we advised to "cull the weak" plants?

    Surely the weaker ones could be potted seperately and also grown? I feel like my plants are my babies and it pains me to remove the weaker ones.

  6. Hi there thanks for the info. Do you think its ok to put my cucumbers out nowish or should I wait (im currently bringing them back in at night) they are a cheap unheated greenhouse plastic thing. Im keeping them in pots this year. Many thanks

  7. 5/14 and still having a hard time getting any growth. Its a cooler then normal year. Weather starting to look good again with night time lows around 55. on the bright side my blueberrys and strawberry and blueberry's are coming along fine. My peppers and cucumbers not so much yet.. But its gonna be soon when the weather is right. Need just a touch warmer.

  8. I have been gifted three marketmore cucumber plants, but they donā€™t seem to be growing tall. I have them in grow bags. Iā€™ve had one cucumber off one plant so far, and the other two each have one on at the minute so far, but nothing more appears to be happening. I feed with fertiliser weekly and have been keeping the compost moist especially in this hot weather. Do you have any advice please. I am very new to growing

  9. Im totally new to gardening but i have managed to grow cucumberšŸŽ‰ im going to cut them off but then what do i do apart from eat then. What do i need to do to grow more next year?

  10. Totally confused about pollination and pinching out now. Iā€™ve played this 5 times and still donā€™t get it. Itā€™s probably me isnā€™t it šŸ˜‚

  11. Please help me I m growing indoors cucumber and my plant started to bloom but all of my flowers are males and they die after 2-3 weeks

  12. Gosh I have trouble harvesting anymore than half a dozen from each plant. I think sometimes the seeds are immature and don't quite produce as wellšŸ§šŸ¤” but definitely going to try and do the shoot pinching out process thank you

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