@Alberta Urban Garden

Alberta Urban Garden: Easy and Free Seeds to Start your Garden off Right

Last week we narrowed down the list of annuals (the plants you replant each year) and came up with a plan list that will allow us to grow and harvest to the maximum of our garden spaces.

The next step is to find the seeds that you will need to complete that plan. Often you can find, trade or swap seeds keeping the cost down or even free.

0:05 Introduction
0:23 My preferred online seed sources
0:36 What are Heirloom Seeds?
1:10 What are Open Pollinated Seeds?
1:49 Why I Buy Local Seeds
2:23 How to save money while getting your seeds
2:37 Organized formal seed swaps
4:10 What are Seed banks or Libraries
4:41 Seed exchanges between gardeners
5:20 Exchanging with local gardeners
5:39 Save your own seeds

Find a link to Seedy Sunday and a chance to meet me in person on my Facebook page

Now that you have your stash and your plant list it is soon coming time to start some of those seeds indoors to get a head start on the season or even to grow and harvest indoors. On the next installment of the Urban Gardening Series I am going to go through how I grow leafy greens and herbs indoors so I can harvest them all year long.

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