
Fruit trees in a temperate climate: planting tips, rootstocks, mulch, prune, thin fruit

The six year old apple, pear and plum trees at Homeacres, in June then September. See how rootstocks affect growth, what happens if fruit is not thinned enough, and the apple harvests of different varieties.
In the UK buy great trees from Walcote Organic Nursery in Worcs

Summer 2018 at Homeacres in Somerset, SW UK zone 8 climate.
I sell books and a calendar from my website, with information such as timings and best veg for second plantings in summer,
Follow me on Instagram charles_dowding, Twitter @charlesdowding and Facebook.
More about my growing history
My website has much information about no dig, for example

I have two online courses which include hundreds of photos and exclusive video content, for more information go to
Videography at Homeacres and edited by Edward Dowding


  1. HELP ! Where can I buy a semi-mature (3 or 4+yrs) apple tree on m9 rootstock? I really fancy a Mac Red but will be happy with it's closest relative the Spartan.

  2. Hi Charles,
    I didn't want to bore you with a lengthy video, so I found the shortest one; but do you have any thoughts on this extreme method of pruning?

    Back to Eden Gardening – How To Prune Fruit Trees for Maximum Production with Arborist Paul Gautschi

  3. I was given a small apple tree that had been growing next to an older apple tree by a person that had lived there all her life as had her parents and the original tree was there when they built their home possibly 80 years ago. It produced delicious sweet, crisp apples but the variety is unknown. It has survived many freezes in our hot, humid Florida 9a zone which is amazing since normally we can't grown apples well here. BUT, it came with a bit of fungus on it and I was told the parent also had that and she just rubbed it down each year with a fungicide so I did, too. But I do think the fungus is in the soil. QUESTION: The fungus grew all summer on my tiny tree along the whole woody (tiny) trunk and I treated it with copper fungicide, but it just died then grew back immediately. We had a very cold spring, HOT summer with continual rain daily for months so assume the fungus was very happy. Sun was not very good and I had a horrible garden but everyone did so my question is do I remove the one foot tall tree and wash away all the dirt then replant or just keep treating it hoping last summer won't repeat? I really wanted to save this tree as it obviously likes this area (normally) and that makes it a perfect apple tree for us. Her tree gets fungus mold growing each year but since my tree is still so tiny, it has stunted it. How should I treat it?

  4. I simply love your channel! Finally a practical realistic gardening channel for people in the UK!! I cant get enough of your content since i discovered your channel!

  5. Great video Charles πŸ˜†.
    Good you mentioned pears ripen/sweeten off the tree. Thanks for the summer pruning tip on plum trees.
    In NZ, so off to cut metre long spindly spring growth back by half.
    Seriously turned it into a trifod and didn't know what or where to cut. Cheers for great advice.πŸ‘

  6. I am contemplating a small orchard in my small backyard as part of redesigning a veg and fruit garden. This was very interesting to me. Thanks!

  7. Very informative and enjoyable to see such beautiful fruit trees. I am on my second year this year of only four trees but hope to plant another two or three. Will look forward to watching more of your videos.

  8. I truly enjoy your videos! We started planting fruit trees the past 2 years. Currently have 10 apple, 3 peach, 2 plum, 2 pear, 3 cherry and a crabapple. We're hoping for a fruitful season in a few years. As always, truly spectacular video, my friend. Cheers! 🍻
    ~Kevin, Michigan, US

  9. First time I've actually understood fruit tree pruning despite numerous books, articles etc. Thank you for your wonderful videos!

  10. I just love watching your videos, full of useful information very simply explained with lots of common sense. God bless you for sharing such valuable information not to mention letting us enjoy the beautiful garden of yours which is so uplifting. Also you talk calmly and slowly which helps us armatures to digest the exuberant amount of precious knowledge. A very warm greetings from Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

  11. You are absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much. I was about to go fruit crazy. I realize now I need to plan this out and think about what things will look like in 5 to 8 years.

  12. big man im from up the road in glasgow. and i must say your the dogs you konw what i mean lol love you…

  13. You are my jam. I LOVE EASY GARDENING. πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸπŸ‹πŸŽπŸπŸŠπŸ‡πŸ’πŸ‘

  14. Now I know why my Strawberries and Raspberries have been producing less and less, as they are planted around my apple trees which are around 4 years old now. Unfortunately all in the sunniest part of the garden – is there any way to build up the soil between the trees so they can all live there together? Time to re-plan my summer planting!

  15. Hmm, I think I need to plant a few more apple trees. Regarding the biennial production, I have a 6 or 7 year old crabapple tree with good sized and very flavourful fruit. Can you tell me if I need to thin the crop to have annual fruit production. Is it possible to get a tree out of the habit of producing fruit biennially?

  16. Jonathan was my absolute favorite back in Romania! It had the right sweetness to tartness ratio. Very hard to find in U.S.

  17. What a fantastic informative video thanks so much. I have a small space but I have room for a few fruit trees instead of more flowers and this video has helped me choose the right tree and try and get it right.

  18. Charles, this vid helped mean lot! We are moving into a 1.2 acre property and I have been snapping pics of your garden and putting the pics in on the property Google map. You are always an encouragement to garden better. It's amazing to me that on our search there are so many 1acre homes and no garden, sad state of affairs humans have got into

  19. for the second time seen , as i seen that i havend to like it again , cos it whas allreddy πŸ˜€ , very sweet garden and garden skills you have Charles , i like it very much , welldone , greets Carl

  20. Hi Mr Charles, I love how you explain about the fruit trees.( I got four fruit trees at my backyard last year and I wonder if I can add more πŸ˜‚πŸ˜) Would you make an update on your fruit trees? Thank you 😊

  21. HI there Charles. Was there a good frost when the Spartan apple was in blossom, bud swelling to early fruit set? That would explain the space fruit set.

  22. Love your orchard! When I was little I spent a lot of time up fruit trees. Mirabelle plum, cherry, and apple trees in Germany and Fig trees in Greece. Have you ever tasted Mirabelle plums? They're yellow, about the size of a large cherry, and incredibly sweet. I'm aspiring to have my own orchard/food forest one day, although at the moment I'm making the most of only 12 sqm.

  23. Are you looking at your comments? If yes. I need help with my fruit trees.

  24. Hi I’m new to planting and wanted to plant a few fruit trees in my garden. I was wondering how often do I water baby trees once I plant them? I’m in the London area. I would really appreciate the advice. Thanks

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