Garden Plans

2024 Allotment Planning | Raised Beds | Exciting New Seeds | (The Lost Tape Measure)

Doing some proper measuring in preparation for the 2024 raised bed upgrade, showing off some new goodies and dipping into VegPlotter!

► Plan your Allotment / Veg Garden FREE with Vegplotter at:
► 10% off Grown Local seed orders with code ‘NATJB’:
► Chilluchump Seedkit! – VegPlotter tutorials on their Youtube channel here.

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Affiliate Links:
► My Favourite Garden & Filming Gear:
► Garden Supplies, Crop Protection & Raised Beds: Harrod Horticultural
► Failed crop or forgotten seed!? Plug Plants: J Parker’s

All my uploads, starting from 2020!:
My allotment diaries:
Beginner guide series:
My (long) Greenhouse Build:

I’m not very regular at posting and mostly just take pictures of insects and butterflies and nice things like that:


  1. We buy Yorkshire Boarding, as we’re farmers. Ring an agri merchant for some coatings. My 4.8m lengths are 6” depth but perhaps only 1 or 1.25” thick. Will measure tomorrow. They’re £6.50 a length

  2. Omg,I remember watching Steve plant those two different years! Bless you for growing them,also I see the Grape Vine in the polytunnel just like Steve!

  3. Great progress JB! and the seeds are so exciting. Good on Jess for getting in the Christmas spirit already. I hold out until the 1st December, then keep decorating until the big day lol.

  4. Hi JB
    Chase the tape had me in stiches
    – love the planning website
    – having regular sized beds will make building cages etc much more versatile and adaptable
    – in the poly tunnel a set of shelves to store things close to hand. Having a dedicated potting area in the poly tunnel will also mean labeling will be easier as everything will be in one place, pens, labels, pea sticks, twine etc
    – some small hand tools could be stored in a 'cleaning tidy' tray and stored in the more secure shed
    – tools never in the right place but don't want to double up i use a small bag for life which gets transported wherever. Then as you think I'll need that at ….. Pop it in the bag as you can guarantee trying to remember as you leave the house/plot items will get left behind
    – the grape, on that side of the poly tunnel will it not cast too much shade or is that the intension…. just a thought before it gets established

    Loving the developments on your plot 😁👍

  5. I'm with Jess on the Christmas tree, although 1st December for me 😅. Love this time of planning and buying seeds. Jo Devon 🙂

  6. JB, why don’t you use decking boards rather than scaffold? Much cheaper and already treated. Wickes were selling 8ft pieces for £6 a few weeks ago

  7. I just got decking boards from Wickes for £6 a board think they might be back up to £9 if that's any good for you, fab vlog JB 🥰

  8. Hi JB I really appreciate you and Jess Chanel have learnt a lot. Just wondering where you bought your Quad self watering planters from ? Asp is the Veg plot program free and is there a app? Thanks from Coleen Allotments

  9. Hi JB. Would you be able to share the place you for the cheap timber from and remind me of the sizes again please. Many thanks. Jon

  10. Hi, where do you get your chilli seeds and have you ever used Red Dragon welsh chilli seeds? Just wondering as I want to experiment with Chilli's and pepper plants next year. Great videos.

  11. Hi I’m glad to hear Jess is doing well don’t blame her for not coming out in the rain or cold,here in B/dos we got rain for about 7 days straight then 2 days sun and bam rain again I can’t really do much in my little garden still get to sow a couple seeds and transplant some chives ❤

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