
Hummingbird Attractor and Support Garden | Volunteer Gardener

Keeping something in bloom when hummingbirds are expected is a key to attracting them to your yard. Matt Kerske visits with a gardener who plans and plants his garden beds to support these nectar-seeking birds. To WATCH full episodes, visit


  1. A marvellous garden. People in the US are so privileged to have hummingbirds. Greetings from Downunder.

  2. Amazing ! I have Hummers, Bees and some Butterflies, but this garden is spectacular ! I would LOVE to have a garden area similar one day ! Great video ! THANKS for posting this inspirational show !

  3. Very beautiful! I got some good advice here. Thanks for the video. Just stunning and amazing!

  4. I'm on Maryland's Eastern an my hummers have been coming back for a very long time, they buzz me while outside or fly back an forth at the kitchen windows. Last yr I did have 1 I've never seen here, it was all black an very fat, thinking maybe she was close to laying eggs an didn't want to go farther? I did see that one now an then all summer, an seen it again earlier in spring. Thanks for sharing this garden as I'm going to try an get certified as well. Now I'll go check out more photos.

  5. I came up with my own way to remember the recipe for the hummingbird feed solution. Numbers often escape me, but now that I use my hand…I will never forget how to measure the sugar/water ratio that you called 1 to 4. I look at my hand & my thumb is the sugar & my other 4 fingers are the water! All fingers are the same amount & the math is no longer needed! No mistakes ever again unless I happen to lose a digit! These tiny birds have brought such joy to my backyard garden & even my dog enjoys watching them. Beautiful flowers in this guys yard.

  6. Beautiful garden and I love the birds, bees, butterflies & hummingbirds you have attracted to your garden. Thank you for sharing.

  7. I'm 4 years into reclaiming our 2.5 acre property from invasives and lawn. I've put in so many native shrubs, trees and flowers for the birds and pollinators. It's been so rewarding to see all the wildlife that raise their young in our yard and entertaining watching butterflies float from flower to flower.

  8. So while we are all mowing our lawns… this gentlemen is creating a usable habitat and relaxing with wildlife. Lesson learned. Great job buddy!

  9. Have you seen hummers bothering butterflies? I planted butterfly garden but keep bird feeders away so they don’t hurt butterflies was wondering about hummers? Thanks

  10. Thanks for video with beautiful flowers! Can these plants will grow aloso in Midwest/ Milwaukee?

  11. Thank you for posting this inspirational video !!!!
    I've got more ideas now for our community garden growing food for the neighborhood people !!!!

  12. Plant Amistad and Wend's Wish salvias for the hummers! Did up the rootball in the Fall to replant in the Spring. Love your garden!

  13. Why take the feeders down? I have mine up all year around for my hummingbirds…they are so amazing! I didnt notice any water fountains …hummingbirds love mine…beautiful yard…love the colorful butterflies you have there too 🙂

  14. Of all our plants, by far they loved the Jacob Cline Bee Balm. Very red, and very aggressive plant.

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