Container Gardening

Covered Composting Container for $5 / Worm Farm EASY How to Make FREE Plant Fertilizer Compost Tea

Composting Made Easy, Deck Balcony Composting for small space Garden and Beginner Gardening, balcony garden and deck garden. No turning Compost in Container Gardening, Raised Bed Composting done in Compost in Place, Easy Method. Here is how we compost, no turn just dump and grow. Everything turns into a wonderful compost to grow tons of vegetables in for your garden. You can grow in container, gardening, or you can grow in the ground. You can dig a trench and dump your rotted vegetables, brown and yellow leaves from the garden, eggshells paper anything that was once alive. Here you will see it all.

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Solar Fountain Kits I use here:

another affiliated link:

This Company that has the size tubing for MY SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an affiliated link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD):

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to one of the same I am using:

This is a pump that works off a Power Bank unit, no solar needed:


  1. I just did that today, but in a nursery pot thanks to you! [ Cardboard ripped up, leaves, toilet paper rolls, then kitchen scraps incl. eggs shells, coffee grounds, veggie tops, and then more crushed up leaves & native soil.] THEN, I put my other nursery pot with the lemon verbena in it. I'm testing the theory we discussed. BUT I'm also going to try this just for straight composting!!

  2. Great idea, good time to do this, that was everything will be ready for spring.

  3. I have a container that i use outside my door on the bottom of my steps. I put all that good stuff in there.

  4. Hi Robbie i couldn't see too well
    Did you put holes in the very bottom of the bin too?

  5. ❤ hi Robbie I live in California and I want to know when you do this and you have the tea coming out does that stink on your patio because I have a little apartment and a little patio and I cannot offend my neighbor's with the odor so I was wondering if I keeping a lid on it does that help with the order? I'm trying to learn everything I can from you Robbie I know nothing about gardening. 😢 I know my questions are stupid

  6. Thanks for this video. I compost in tubs too but I made a mistake and put hole in the top of my cover. I’ll have to find something to cover it.

  7. I use a somewhat similar setup. 2-5 gallon buckets with lids. The bottom bucket has no holes but the top of its lid has lots of holes. Set the 2nd bucket on top of the 1st. Holes are on the bottom, the lid has no holes but holes are all around the top of the bucket just below where the lid rests. I get fertilizer in the bottom bucket and compost in the top! It's too cold here now. So I take out all the liquid fertilizer and store it in gallon jugs til spring-then start it up again! I also have 2 tubs I compost in. They are elevated so I drilled 3 small holes at the bottom edge and put broken off pieces of bamboo skewers in the holes and voila- spigits!
    I didn't think about holes at the top but I am going to add the holes! Love all your creative ideas and your valuable advise Robby💖🙏💖

  8. I love how you use nature in your gardening, so fortunate to garden year round, very mild winters but extreme heat in summer

  9. That's how I do my compost pots. My first compost bins was like that too. And as I didn't have any earthworms yet maggets and flies did the job. And that turned into a great black soil.
    This is the best way to make compost ❤❤❤

  10. Wow, the timing for this is perfect!! I recently started a compost only tote and had a lot of questions – you answered them! Thank you!
    Maybe one last question: can I continue to add things to my tote? Thanks!!

  11. Hi Robbie!! I hope you’re doing well!!! I have a situation 😢 after watering my compost I went to water my plants and forgot to close the lid all the way on my compost. Today I wanted to show my kids (that’s when I realized that I had left the lid open) and we found A RAT INSIDE!!!! 😢😢😢😢 my question is should I keep the compost or should I throw it away? Please help me I’m not sure what to do 😢
    By the way I’m also from CA. (San Diego) Thank you for your time and for making this kind of videos!!! I’ve learned so much from you!!! ❤❤THANK YOU!!!

  12. I must have done something wrong because when I used the water from decomposed greens it rotted the beautiful rutabagas that were growing. Someone said it probably needed to be diluted, but it was dark green just like yours.

  13. I've had a very similar compost tote that I've been using for almost 2 years now. Mine is in a bigger, black tote that has a yellow lid that I purchased from Costco. To start my worm colony, I tossed in a good handful of red worms leftover from a recent fishing trip. Last summer I divided the broken down compost into 2 new raised beds I was starting. I kept maybe a haft dozen of the hundreds of worms to start the new round of compost this past spring.
    One word of advice. If you don't want your compost tote to host those nasty slugs, put a band of copper tape all the way around the tote.

  14. Turning allows oxygen needed by the microbes. An alternative is pvc pipe with holes drilled and cut to the top of the tub doing what a Johnson bio reactor does for large scale composting

  15. I love this idea!! Now I have to walk down two flights of deck stairs to put my kitchen scraps in my compost bins or containers. It will be so much easier to fill a tote next to my kitchen door this winter. I am searching for a bin tomorrow! Thank you!!

  16. Ty! So do you leave this bin alone when full and start another one or keep adding to the existing bin? How do you separate finished from unfinished? ❤

  17. I do that too. Kept totes with layers of the summer's soil, new compost, and scraps. closed them up and last week I used that soil in my winter beds

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