
Tips for Zero Waste Living – How a Family of 5 Makes Almost No Waste! | Life With Less Waste

To celebrate Plastic Free July we’re bringing you the inspiring story of a zero waste/waste free family in Hobart, Australia. Lauren, Oberon, and their kids have found ways to produce almost no rubbish – they’ve only filled one small jar of waste in two years!

** More about the Carter family **
Book: “A Family Guide to Waste Free Living”:

** More about Happen Films **
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** Film credits **
Directed and written by Jordan Osmond & Antoinette Wilson
Produced by Antoinette Wilson
Cinematography and editing by Jordan Osmond
Story feedback and suggestions from Nick Tucker

** Thanks! **
To our wonderful supporters on Patreon, who helped make this film happen: Alex Muir, Angelika Smales, Barbara Clark, Brent Hefley, Brett Davidson, Cicely Jette Stewart, Dave Webb, David, Denise Bijoux, Dominik Haas, Geoffrey Torkington, Jess O’Shea, Jess, Luna Moon, Mariano Aran, Matthew Zimmer, Mehron Kugler, Michael Reynolds, Moana Kiff, Namaste Foundation, Permaculture, Pierre Blom, Rahul Banerjee, Rex & Jo, Ron Hastie, Ryan Pike, Sankar Madhavan, Sustainance Picton (Steve & Rebekah Hall), Tiitus Laine, Tony Schaufelberger, William B. Everett, Yolanda Charles.

** Subtitles and closed captions **
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  1. Hi everyone! Awesome to see such a great response to this video. When commenting, please be respectful of the choices others make in regard to diet. This film celebrates a lifestyle decision that is positive and deeply thoughtful and an important step that we all need to be taking for the health of our one and only planet. It’s not a film about dietary choices, which is a complex, personal and equally important subject that we, the directors, chose not to make a focus here, even though this family had beautiful things of say on the subject. We’ll save that for another film! Wishing you the best on your own journey to living with less waste.

  2. Congrats…it's really difficult..but glad to know that it's possible…

  3. It took me three years to make a good compost so learning by mistakes is good.three years i have reduced our home waste all veggie waste will go in to compost only plastics in to municipal waste.tried to reduce plastic use and had done tat too

  4. Awesome to not be preached to by some hypocritical wanker, you guys actually show us how it’s done ! Great vid for the masses 🌞🙏🏼

  5. This topic is sooooo enormously important right now more than ever to educate people on what happens just simply by living a "normal life". People just don't know.

  6. Olá chamo me Elsa e sou portuguesa. Gostaria de saber como voces fazem pasta de dentes .Por favor podem me dar a receita ?Muito obrigada

  7. "I sleep a little better" XD
    I know that the environmental benefits of saving the human race are cool and all, but I'll go zero-waste just to sleep better bro

  8. I have never seen a family be able to do zero/low waste without being rich or living in a special area which has special zero waste spots

  9. Great video. Maybe you can do a video about purifico and how that helps with zero waste.

  10. Everyone knows that politicians do their jobs mainly to keep themselves in power, but think about it: without anyone in control of how society functions, the world would be in pure chaos. Everyone would be fighting for power, there wouldn't be any coordination, organization, or distribution of basic everyday services, people would fight, murder, lie, cheat and steal to get what they needed and wanted.

    The current government and politics status quo is by no means perfect, but without them the world would literally collapse from disorder. We tend to only focus on the negative sides of things and yes there are many issues that need to be solved, but we should also realize that generally speaking, the current system is a net positive.

  11. I want to know how the woman controls her time of the month. There is plastic on the bottom of sanitary napkins. Or how they get their medication without the plastic pill bottles. This is very nice what they r doing but “zero” plastic waste is impossible

  12. When you say zero waste does it mean not cleaning your surroundings? Like your yard has a lot of grown grass.

  13. This is a commendable effort but you're kidding yourself if you think that you actually don't have a plastic footprint. All of that bulk food that you're buying probably was shipped to the store in plastic. So you do have plastic in your legacy you just aren't dealing with it directly. Nevertheless this is something that I would like to do so I commend the effort. We just happen to live in a society where plastic is an integral part. Also not everyone is fortunate enough to live near a place where food is sold in bulk, a lot of us are stuck with the big-box stores in plastic packaging and they're just simply are not alternatives.

  14. This is so inspiring. Well done.
    Id love to know how you guys manage things like toilet paper that's always in plastic? Personal feminine products?
    Do you bake everything & never buy packaged biscuits, cakes or treats?
    Do you make your own washing powder etc too?
    Good on you for living the ultimate zero waste lifestyle. ❤❤

  15. This is great, what i aspire to be…but how did they cope during covid and can they still get food in this way now? lots of places have stopped this type of shopping

  16. I've just started on my zero waste journey and it has been really difficult in a rural setting with no businesses who support this. Haven't had cheese for awhile since I cannot find any not in plastic, haha, but I won't give up, I'll just keep adapting.😀

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