
Auto Top Up Self Watering Wicking barrels. Gardening made easy.

The Self watering / auto top up wicking barrel system I’ve been wanting to do for some time has finally been built.
Wicking beds/barrels are a great way to have a productive self watering garden & by adding an external reservoir they will suite those that don’t have all the free time they’d like to maintain an edible garden.
This system was set up behind the lime tree bed after removing a few wicking barrels & a worm farm barrel as it is the only flat spot we have in the yard..

A big shout out needs to go to mojoe60 & his wife for motivating me to finish this build.. They designed & built a larger system than ours & have a few tips to share that are well worth checking out..

Our wicking barrel/self watering container with a few extra ideas,

Wicking beds, barrels & IBC playlist

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Have a great one everyone…

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