Edible Gardening

Urban Edible Garden/ Maximizing your Urban Garden

Urban Edible Garden/ Gaximizing your Urban Garden

If you think you so not have space to grow some food think again. check our this video for ideas.

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  1. Love the planters, great idea growing vertical. Lily will really enjoy the extra strawberries 🍇🍇🍇

  2. Really love the idea and you should add another planter. It will look so attractive seeing the strawberry plants spilling out. Good luck and keep growing.

  3. We have been seeing more and more butterflies 🙂 haha first come first serve strawberries. that fits perfectly on that ledge.. oh wow that looks so awesome on the wall!!

  4. They have them planters at Walmart if you wanted to get a 3rd one I wish my stores was selling strawberry’s here so I could make me one I only have one plant I started wayy to late for my garden maybe next year I’ll get more

  5. What you need is a vertical garden. have a look at this video and you can make your own (on the cheap). check out the VeganAthlete, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WznAAAJEVmw&t=225s. The key is to use something that will keep a long time like wood. The key to a vertical garden is applying the water and allowing it to drop down to the next tier. Therefore, you will need to have a backdrop that funnels the water run off to the next level. You create a flap made of plastic (Heavy Duty, rubber mats (like floor mats). The next key component is attaching the garden to the wall. You can create a rack system or have a metal hanging system that can withstand the weight of the "Wet Soil".

    If you create the wooden boxes yourself you can make them as long as you wish and cover any wall that you may want to use. Most homes are covered on 3 sides by a wall or fence which allows you to plant accordingly to the amount of sun you have. This system can be used on either one without any damage to the wall or fence.

  6. You are using your space very well. I like the space at your entryway and your strawberry vertical wall. I hope it works well for you. Thanks for sharing. Happy Gardening!☺️

  7. The plastic bag liners should work out very well. I’ve done this in the past and it does hold the moisture well. I’ve started using landscape fabric to line my cocoa fibre pots because I prefer the more even drainage that provides for my flowers. I agree that strawberries (esp with your heat) will love the extra moisture.

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