Garden Design

Fixing My Biggest Garden Design Mistake, Goji Berries Gone Wild, Transplanting Hydrangeas, Shed Prep

We’re finally fixing my biggest garden design mistake! The Goji berries have gone wild, and they’ve taken over my grandma’s garden! Not anymore crazy vines! It’s time to go! After that, we’ll transplant limelight prime hydrangeas in preparation for the garden shed! Should we call it a garden shed or a garden cottage? Lots of fall garden maintenance in this video and lots more gardening videos on YouTube to come! I’m thankful that we finally tackled this big garden design mistake.
#flowergarden #cutflowergarden #gardening


  1. We bought a house with little landscaping. All its garden beds were basically taken over by daylilies…they're also running along the whole back fence. Mostly the orange old fashioned ones. Maybe I can get them all dug up now in the fall so that it will be easier to manage next year. I'll be happy if I never see another one.

  2. Thanks to everyone for the heads up on some very common problem garden plants. Mine was plumbago ground cover. Love the blue flowers and red color in the fall. But rhizomes spread deep underground and was hard to keep contained. Since moved from that house – can't imagine what it may look like now!

  3. Hi Danielle! My biggest regret for my garden is planting snow on the mountain or bishop's weed. They have taken over in a few places in my garden and nothing seems to get rid of them!

  4. A friend gave me chameleon plant. It is so invasive. It grows by roots under the ground and 10 years later I still can’t get rid of it.

  5. My Biggest regret is planting Morning Glories. Planted them over 10 years ago and am still fighting them. The birds have spread them to Garden beds where I have never planted them.😔

  6. Oh, Danielle! I'm so sorry the goji berry bushes went wild on you. I actually have the opposite tale. For the last three years, I've been trying to grow a goji berry near my elderberry bushes. Each spring something eats it down to the nub and then it revives only to have it nibbled on again to within an inch of its life. I heard that they are fast growers and so I have it in an area where I know I'm going to be trimming other bushes so I can keep an eye on it. I've featured it in several of my YouTube videos. Mary Born, ND Happy Thanksgiving, and this is one job well done that you can be grateful for!

  7. kiwi vine!! it’s horribly unruly like wisteria and very vigorous.
    also, the chipmunks eat the kiwis before we can get ANY! lol

  8. I regret planting elderberries! I planted them for the flowers to make jam and cordial, and the berries for sirup. But unfortunately they come up everywhere! My absolutely garden nightmare

  9. My regret would have been purple passion Vine in zone 9.
    . I pull it out of every tree every Flower pot and every bush all summer long.
    . Thank heaven it dies down in the winter

  10. It’s been a fantastic year to work outside this year! Sunny fall days, not as hot as summer but clear skies. I know I’ve gotten a lot more done than I would’ve ever imagined. We live and learn. And now there’s that new area to contemplate what you desire to do with. ☺️

  11. I have two regrets in my garden about 16 years ago I purchased two colors of hummingbird vine/trumpet vineyellow and red and planted in one hole together…they destroyed my fence and push roots up everywhere even over into the neighbors yard. The other is Ivy…have tried to get this under a bit of control ripping it up every time I see it trying to push growth…

  12. That was quite a task to get the Goji berries out! I love butterfly bush and planted one in my very small planting patch in my front yard, I have to prune it several times during the growing season as it crowds out other plants and is very tall. I plan to remove it this coming spring.

  13. Yeah, Goji berries do better in dry climates. I live in northern California in a dry Mediterranean climate 8b and I have gohi berries planted on mounds in full sun and they do really well. I hard cut them back every few years to refresh them but they don't spread like mad and I never get pm. Also the taste of the berries varies A LOT depending on the cultivar. I have an heirloom variety from China that produces reaaally delicious berries. I've tried berries from other cultivars such as sweet life and they were gross. I guess its really all about location. Other people get totally overwhelmed by their wisterias also and I have both a Chinese and a Japanese variety in my garden and they just need a couple good pruning a season and are just the most incredible plants. I grow them next to roses and they don't overwhelm them either as long as I keep em pruned. It's just all about location.

  14. When you pulled it out i felt like i cpuld breathe better. How choking must that have felt on real life! Learning so much from the comments section 👀👀

  15. Thank you for this video as I was seriously considering trying Goji berries this year!!! What a great idea to help other gardens out from making mistakes, My regrets are several grasses that just take over, I don't know the name but it's a pretty silvery blue grass that just spreads like crazy. Also, my Japanese anemones are monstrous and overpowered some other perennials that were trying to get established. One last one that is controllable if you cut the flowers off before they go to seed is Chinese forget me nots. The seeds stick to anything and everything spreading new plants all over!! 🙃

  16. I have several regrets: oriental bittersweet, sweet autumn clematis, trumpet vine, and the ‘wild roadside’ orange daylilies.

  17. My biggest mistake was planting tithonia "mexican sunflower" and letting them go to seed! Although they are great for pollinators, some of their stalks were as big as baseball bats ( making it a extreme task for removal ). Like Danilelle says right plant right location and right climate. They love it a little too much here in my zone 8a farm and I will have them volunteering for years to come despite my endless effort to remove them before they throw their seed.

  18. My regret is trumpet vine which has never bloomed after many years of waiting. Unfortunately getting rid of it is easier said than done it has put at runners everywhere and still haven’t been able to eradicate it. This has been going on for years😢

  19. Also day lilies lol after many years of them in my garden and them prolifically growing everywhere I have taken then out. I just don’t like them and decided that it’s ok not to be in love with every plant. I continue to weed them out anytime they pop up.

  20. I wish I had never planted forget-me-nots. They came in a seed packet mix for shade. While they look beautiful in the spring, they self-seed everywhere! 🤦‍♀️

  21. The plant I regret is Snow-on-the-Mountain or Bishop's Weed because of it's runners which takes over quickly. Avoid it like the plague unless you have a separate space and a barrier system to keep it confined. I first got mine from a friend and learned afterwards that it's a garden thug.

  22. My other regret is planting wild roses and ribbon grass! Wild Roses have horrific thorns and spreads like crazy – even into the lawn! My husband is trying to dig them out, but I think it's time for doses of Round-up. Ribbon grass is okay as a clump, but DON'T divide it! That was my mistake and I battled it for years.

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