Gardening Supplies

12 Items to STOCKPILE for a DOOMSDAY Scenario – Be Ready!

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Augason Farms 55 Gallon Water Barrel

Upgraded Two Pockets Fireproof Document Bag

Smith & Wesson Folding Knife

Green Multiuse Crank Radio

Crank and Solar Lights

20-Pack Flashlights

Large First Aid Kit

Wetols Multitool

Leatherman Multitool

Gerber Multitool

LED Flashlights High Lumens Rechargeable, 250000 Lumens

Cobra Waterproof Long Range Walkie Talkies

Coleman Pop-Up Camping Tent with Instant Setup, 2/4 Person

Coleman Montana Camping Tent, 6/8 Person

Mr. Heater Buddy Heater

Discover the essential 12 items that you need to stockpile to ensure survival and security for you and your loved ones. This video will help you navigate through uncertain times, giving you the peace of mind you deserve.

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  1. I live in a studio apt so my space is limited and have no where to store 50 gal barrel. So I try and buy things I can use for 2 or more purposes. For extra Water and/or Gasoline I have new and very large plastic Gasoline containers. That way I can use them for extra gas or water. Depending what is needed most at the time…The large red gas containers…it is nice also they have handles so it is not too heavy. I keep them in the backseat of the car!

  2. Many bottled waters are dead water. You get nothing out of it. The ones that ran through reverse osmosis are stripped of everything. No minerals.

  3. I have a Britta water filter to filter out the big stuff with extra filters. I put the water from the Britta through a Sawyer water filter. I have the one-gallon filter. I looked at the water out of the Sawyer and there was nothing but water under the microscope. I don't know about it filtering viruses but I think it should be able to filter them. The company says so anyway. It will filter 100,000 gallons according to the company. Only about $35. People may be able to find water but making that water safe to drink is a priority to prevent deaths from contaminated water. I have lots of Orajel. No, I do not have tooth problems, I use it for scrapes and scratches. It numbs your skin just like your mouth. New Skin is good to have too. It stays better than band-aids even when wet. Make sure to have antibiotic creams for the scratches and tetanus shot up to date before anything happens. Lockjaw is not a good way to go! Water in canned foods like green beans and corn can replace water in soups and stews, retaining vitamins.

  4. Water…this is my case for bottled water.
    I'm 71 and disabled from an illness a decade ago. My neurological issues mandate that I not have fluoride in my system as it aggravates the nerves.
    That said I have no place to put 55 gallon drums but I can store single gallons of water under furniture etc. It's easy to move etc. I keep around 70 gallons at a time at home. Good video thanks.

  5. Good content in your videos.
    Some how to books, on loads of different topics!
    I have a library of sorts, in case the $h!t hits the fan,
    & YouTube isn’t available!
    Also have a small stash of building supplies,
    in case house repairs become necessary.
    Keep your smiles on!

  6. You can order antibiotics directly from the pharmaceutical houses without a prescription. Lot’s cheaper than Jace, thats how I got my cipro, augmentin, septra ds, erythromycin and several others. I had to pay cash but was still cheaper than Jace, in some cases cheaper than my copay.

  7. I brought a trips tip large portable folding toilet in case i can't flush toilet and a gasoline siphoner pump in case i have to siphon gasoline from someone else car

  8. I bought ten cases of Costco water (24 @ case) but four years later we had one case cause all the bottles crumpled as the water evaporated. Johnson & Johnson bandaids suck, Curad rocks. Rain collector from Amazon refills our water storage (after filtering). Our β€œfireproof bags” were worthless but the little fire safe that we put inside our big fire safe is good. Emergency wood-stove that vents into our fireplace is also good.

  9. Baking soda. White vinegar. Heavy-duty trash bags & RV "potty powder" or cat litter. And lots and lots of bars of soap.

  10. Uh, 11 Walmart cases of water is 55 dollars and is 55 gallons plus of water. And is a 100% safe storage of water. One 55 gallon water drum is 155 dollars, I can store 160 gallons of Walmart water for that. I can drink in over time and replace. Store it in dark place and it will be fine for years.

  11. At the grocery store I bought a small kit to temporarily glue in a filling or crown. It comes with a little tool as well. Best part was that it was under $5.

  12. Small battery operated lights, the ones mechanics use, are made well and last a long time just keep extra batteries on hand. The have a hook to hang them, a magnet on the back, and also easy to carry around.

  13. Is there a reason no one mentions Hot Hands to keep warm? They do have rechargeable ones but also packets, they last about 10 hours each. I know plenty of people that use them when working outside. Would like to know what you think, Thank you

  14. The Money Making & Snake Oil Sceams Aren't Working

    The world is seeing the WEF fruit tree of bad ideas. The infomercials and sceams on the news. The snake oil advertising and fighting for democracy stories are getting de-bunched .
    It must be time for the new empty promises team to roll in. Of course they will have thier Scapegoats. And the bread and circus rolls on. Of course next week they will have another way. To scare people, shout down, and put Unessential Americans out of business in perpetuity. For the WEF Monopolies in china. And of course they will not infringe on our rights. They will just change them like dirty underwear. And so on.
    BUT; people and countries, consumers, and Wal-Mart thieves aren't going for it. Physer snake oil isn't selling. Thier numbers are in the Toylet. UKRANE is another waste land like Afghanistan. Countries aren't going for the advertising slogan. "You will own nothing and be happy " . Hords are going after the Democrate head counters. And people are laughing at the 2+2=5 ideas.
    And So ;
    the WEF & Bill Gates and government puppets are getting Desperate. The big "they" are Peddling influence, making laws, concocting banking sceams and showing thier cards.
    Basically the WEF king is not wearing clothes. We will see war and Neriberg trials again. Then Karl Marx I mean Carl Swab. Will stand in line. With Hitler, Gaddafi and Sadam. Where he belongs.

    πŸ‘‰ less


  15. Cheers Eric some good insight there. I learn something new almost on every post you do. Keep up the good work my man and hope ur family are doing well… peace out βœŒοΈπŸ‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

  16. I use handsanitize not offten, probably should use more since I work in hospitality. Anyway, handsanitizer is mostly alcohol based. Since learning this, I have not found a handsanitzer that does not start with Alcohol as the first ingredient in it. One I have now is 75% alcohol in the ingredients list and is the first item too. Being alcohol based it will be a good fire starter or maybe a spirit burner fuel item. The flame is blue and very hard to see in the sun so much, much caution if burning any handsanitizer. So I view handsanitizer as a multi use item and a back up fuel or fire starter in moist/wet conditions.

  17. For flashlights stored, I put the batteries in a baggie and tape to the flashlight. This way if corrode doesn’t get into the flashlight. I check about every other year. I live in earthquake and volcanic zone so have a go kit. Every other year go through it, rewash the soft items and rotate out the cans and sometimes the dry goods too.

  18. 12 top things we have on our top 12 for emergencies. After living in hurricane country and have dealt with several weather related issues… here’s what we have

    1. Ready to eat food for at least 2 weeks. This give a person a change to stabilize to get organs after s disaster hits. We have a mix of protein bars and powder, freeze dried meals (we make our own), FD meats, veggies, and single ink foods to cook, nuts, seeds, peanut/sunflower butter, spices, and a food vehicle. Canned broth is really helpful,here.
    2. A lot of water
    3. Seeds for sprouts and lettuce for an indoor garden
    4. Seeds for an outdoor garden
    5. A way to cook food without electricity
    6. Electric lanterns with extra batteries
    7. Good first aid kit with masks, work gloves, athletic wrap, superglue, butterflies, and sutures.
    8. Antibiotics and wound flush,
    9. Medication for colds and flu. This include mucus thinner and histamine 1 and 2 inhibitors
    10. Small tent for inside the house to make a microbiome
    11. A shovel and saw
    12. Large plastic bags

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