Backyard Garden

Mrs Green Thumb-Backyard Garden Tour 2023

I have been doing alot work in my garden this year. Hope you enjoy the chat and tour. Thankyou for joining me.

You can contact me at email:

#mrsgreenthumb #organicgardening #gardening


  1. Nana! How beautiful your yard is! I've been so worried about you and those fires!
    I'm so happy to see this post & hope to see you soon!
    Did Lisa ever make it to visit?
    God Bless you all! ❤

  2. Hey, Mrs G! Good to hear from you. Nice you harvested a pineapple! Cool!🍍 Awesome to see all you're growing outside, you've got lots! 🌱🌱 Woohoo, peaches! Take care and have a blessed week!🌸

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