
Compost Happens Part 21 Vivosun Tumbler Compost Bin with The Stupid Gardener!

#Compost #composthappens #northcarolinagardener #compostbin #composttumbler #vivosuntumbler

We have our next compost bin. The Vivosun Tumbler Compost Bin. Let’s see how this one works for us. Follow The Stupid Gardener on Instagram The.Stupid.Gardener. Don’t forget to like and subscribe!!


  1. I am not a huge fan of tumblers. I have one and it is hard to turn when things start to breakdown. I like the black compost bin that you own. Just my opinion. 🙂

  2. So how does the composting thermometer work to tell me what to change about my compost? What temperatures do I need to reach for compost to happen? Do I need to add compost starter mix?

  3. Wondering if browns and greens should be damp and if water is added and the proportion to the browns and greens or consistency you want, if so

  4. I am so excited! I bought a tumbler by Nazhurn from Amazon as well. I just put it together yesterday. I am new to composting. Can I store my compost? If so, for how long? What is the best way to store it?

  5. I hope you are very careful about adding worms! A black plastic container can get really hot and kill the worms since they have no way to escape the heat. Not unlike leaving a pet dog in your hot car!

  6. I am putting the same type of tumbler together today for my very first compost bin. Do you have any videos that you suggest I watch? If you do should I watch them in any particular order. I watched several other videos that came up first but I subscribed to yours. Your videos look well made, informative, and you speak plainly. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. My wife and I look forward to a beautiful vegetable garden. Do you use it on your lawn? Do you have a video on how much compost to use and how often to apply it?

  7. You mentioned manure, what kind is best? A friend has sheep manure that I can have. Is that alright to use? Also, do you have to set it aside for a few months to let it dry? I heard it will burn your plants if you put it on too soon.
    Thanks again, in really learning a lot from you!
    Marlyn, Backyard Gardner

  8. I am looking to buy a compost tumbler. Would you recommend thus based on your experience so far?

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