
OSU Master Gardener: Growing Blueberries

Learn everything you need to know about growing blueberries from an Oregon State University Master Gardener.

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  1. Where is the best area to plant blueberries, I have two choices ( 1 ) a full sun area and ( 2 ) a morning sun then shaded area? I’m planning to do a raised bed.

  2. Why can you fertilize new plants until late July but older plants stop after July 1st? Is cold damage more of a concern on older plants compared to younger plants? Are younger plants less susceptible to cold damage?

  3. I have a shoot come up from the ground, but within a few months it was about3 ft tall.

  4. I started my high bush blueberry orchard in 2005-in Maine. Zone 5 something. Since I wanted a U-Pick orchard,I went with 100 bushes. They are quite mature now,and I dont get less than 200 quarts per season since about 2014, about 9 yrs old. Since there are so many to care for I started selling some off,I think I'm at 75 now,it just got to be too much. I made my own compost when planting them,of a little peat moss,potting soil,kitchen compost or bagged compost,leaves & pine needles.My soil has a good amount of clay,lots of earthworms. A few years of Japanese beetles but the last 3 they have dwindled right down now. When I see a witches broom I cut it out. It doesn't seem to hurt the bush but I have read you should cut it out. I feed them organic blueberry food,I mow between the rows.They are spaced 5 ft apart and now wish I had left even more room between them.I have no problem with birds,and each year I have to trim as many as I can of older branches as they'll just break off anyways or I cant cant thru the rows with my rider. Its a very productive orchard. Then I have 6 more close to my back porch in a semi circle,at first I watered all 106 of them,then I gave up,it was too much to handle.But if we have ever have a dry season,I do have a water line out to the orchard,which isnt far from the house..having 50-60 quarts in my winter freezer is common!!

  5. What about white and yellow pine sawdust? will that work the same or is there some special quality about Doug fir.

  6. This is the most informative video I’ve seen yet. Thank you because I was about to use compost and manure!

  7. When you say 1" per week and then say it must be wet down to 16" – that's confusing to me. Please help :^)

  8. Is only Douglas Fir mulch acidic? Looking at what is available at garden centers, I don't see the Pine type specified.

  9. I did not use good care. I added some Epsom salt to soil. That really messed up my soil.
    My ph now is 7 point zero. I really need to lower that ph

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