Edible Gardening

Edible Landscaping with Pawpaws, Currants, Figs

Tim Hensley, Urban Homestead, Bristol, VA, talks about the pawpaws, currants and figs in his edible landscape. Correction to the talk: Pawpaw is not the largest PLANT native to N. America, but the largest FRUIT native to North America. Cultivars of all plants mentioned in the talk are available for local pickup. www.OldVaApples.com


  1. Nice video…what's the age of your fruiting paw paw trees shown in the video? I've been planting some of our native varieties on our 33 acre piece of property, but I'm thinking about planting different cultivars for different varieties and flavors. I have fruiting trees in pots at home but have not yet tasted one. Looking forward to it…

  2. whoops! I planted my hardy chicago fig by the mail box. I wish my paw paws were are pretty as yours. Your fruit trees are beautiful. Thanks for showing them.

  3. If the figs aren't ripening in time try dabbing the eyes with a little olive oil. They will ripen within a week. They aren't as sweet but at least you get some figs.

  4. I always check the figs eye before I bite since that is where the Fig Wasp like to lay their eggs. 🙂

  5. Wow they have thin trunks – it’s good in a way if you want a nice tree that doesn’t take up too much space – they do get pretty tall though like up to 30-40 feet right ? I would prob prune it to let it stay 15 ft – very nice trees though

  6. Hello time i have been wanting a pawpaw for a good while now, do you know if they do good in houston tx, and where could i get one of those trees, i cannot find them in my area

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