
Homemade fungicides | John Dromgoole | Central Texas Gardener

John Dromgoole demonstrates easy homemade recipes to control black spot and other fungal diseases on plants.


  1. It is very nice post sir, my marigold plant also suffering with "Septoria tageticola" (got this name from google) i think one of the suggested way I will apply tomorrow.
    currently plant look like this (this is not my plant image)

    Tomorrow I will apply 1 cup of mild with 9 cup of water and will spray on the plant. HOPE that will work 🙂
    let me know if you have any suggestion.

    From India

  2. Straight to the point with multiple options, readily available items, inexpensive and easy to do! Thanks!

  3. What if you mix all of these approaches into one bottle ? How often can I apply the baking soda product ? What about the MILK.. How often is good…. or too often ?

  4. Thank you.John . Here a bulb of Garlic is $2.50 I rather eat it than spoil it, although I love my plants, perhaps I should use garlic powder. I don't have normal milk can I use coconut milk instead ?

  5. what is the name of that worm at the very beginning of this video,because I saw several on my African violet daisy plant and holes in a bunch of the leaves. Please help

  6. Excellent video and information. Reminds me of when I was a child learning from the PBS show Jerry Bakers Master Gardener episodes.

  7. Wow! Well done… One of the best diy videos Ive ever seen. To the point yet polished, and very informative at the same time.

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