@One Yard Revolution

One Yard Revolution: The Garden – 2013 vs 2012 – Win, Lose, Or Draw?

Join me as I review this year’s vegetable garden compared to last year’s. Every year has unique challenges. Last summer was very hot and dry. This summer was cool and wet. In this video, I review which crops did better this year, which ones did worse, and which were about the same.

How To Make And Apply Compost Tea: http://youtu.be/_4VKLtDuzD8
How We Make All Our Compost: http://youtu.be/t3P_Tw7knyo
Our First Batch Of Comfrey Tea: http://youtu.be/w6-MGN8rpkU
Chop And Drop Your Way To A Better Garden: http://youtu.be/7p9GsNRc0jQ

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