Container Gardening

❄ Winter Garden Chores – Rose Transplant & Planting New Chrysanthemums

Heirloom Chrysanthemum Videos

I’m on a misson to get as many of my winter garden chores done as possible! Today’s video covers the transplant of my America climbing rose and planting new chrysanthemums in the garden.

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#transplantingrose #chrysanthemums #wintergarden
#shesamadgardener #zone8 #zone8a #texasgarden #texasgardening #cutflowergarden #cutflowerfarm

Music Credit: Epidemic Sounds

Where to find She’s A Mad Gardener:
Tik Tok: @shesamadgardener
Planting Zone 8a Wylie, Texas

She’s a Mad Gardener is a YouTube channel exploring projects in the home including but not limited to home gardening, DIY decorating, holiday decor, easy recipes, and so much more.

“As always, She’s A Mad Gardener and a decorator and anything she wants to be.”


  1. Have you seen Summer Rayne Oakes (Plant One On Me) video on Chrysanthemum tour at Longwoods Gardens? They're growing some of your same varieties. What they do with them is awesome to see.

  2. Morning- didn’t know I could use BM7 could be used in ground. Thanks teacher-
    I’m gonna plant a few more things this next weekend.

  3. The rose is going to grow beautifully over your shade garden gate, love it. The chrysanthemum are beautiful and are going to add lots of color and texture to your garden.

  4. I love your chrysanthemum varieties! I always loved chrysanthemum . They are gorgeous!
    You should add some gypsum and sand to the soil. Helps to break out the clay. I also do not add mulch to my clay soil as it keeps more moisture in the soil. Good luck with your new varieties.

  5. Hi Amanda, those chrysanthemums were so big and beautiful, you have educated me over the last yr or so of their possibilities. I never realized how much they are like dahlias. I bought three big containers at Walmart this fall that had the scent of pumpkin chai, which was also the variety on the tag. They were in bad shape after blooming out so were in the clearance area. They are presently blooming again, darker pink because of the co;d temps but beautiful here in zone 9.

  6. Thank you for mentioning how nutrient rich clay soil is. I regret digging it out and tossing it. 🤦‍♀️ Continuously adding manure, compost, shredded leaves, 🍁🍂gypsun, cover crops and grit/small rock for aeration. I'm learning 🤓that I need to feed my soil that in turn feed the plants and build a healthy ecosystem. 🦋🐝🐞🌱🌳

  7. Love the heirloom chrysanthemums you just planted. Going to give them a try in my gardens. My big box store pot chrysanthemums that I planted a couple of years ago are just finishing up their 2nd bloom for me and I will cut them back like you taught us to do. I also have clay soil and have invested in a lot of topsoil over the years.

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