Container Gardening


Hi! I am Barbara with Living Foods Farm. THANK YOU for coming to my channel and growing with me on my journey. I enjoy every comment, question and like. I am happy you are on the journey with us.



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Everybody welcome back to another episode of a gardeners Journey Homestead I am Barbara so glad that you’re here welcome to my tunnel I am in Tennessee in zone 7B and today we’re going to take some matters into our own hands so if you saw my last video you saw that I’ve

Been dealing with some type of mystery animal that has been wrecking my garden and um we haven’t had a chance to really Implement some of the things and the suggestions that we’ve had my husband’s been extremely busy he’s still busy and what is a good woman do a good woman

Just like look I got to do something right you feel me like my husband is great he does all that he can but sometimes I’m like I’m tired of waiting got to get something done so we’re just going to do huh just a little bit because I feel

Oh you’ve been in huh I see some droppings I think just just caught my attention let let let me turn this camera around okay so one of the things we’re going to do is pop up my herb plants and um up poot them because they needed plus they need water and all that

Good stuff but in the Box they were in y’all is that droppings I think that’s some droppings of some animal which means they were able to get on top of my table like you see my table here I don’t know y’all I may just be paranoid now but I think that’s

Droppings I’m pretty sure it was in there before look at that oh over it sick of it but before we get to um destroy Zone and put some stuff down we are going to upot my beautiful herbs before I lose them I have some English time I have

Some and then I have some Rosemary that all need to be up potted so we’re going to do that put in some fresh oil water it it’s one of those things like you got some death going on so we’re going to do something that has life so we going to

Start with the good and we going to end with the not so good so let’s get started um and do this part that’s going to bring us some Joy see y’all I think I’m just paranoid now because before I wasn’t seeing or hearing anything when I

Came to the T now now I feel like I’m just hearing stuff like rustling and stuff y’all listen remember I moved from the city to the country and I knew nothing about the country I’ve been here for 4 years and I would say I’ve done pretty well but there is still this

Layer of some inner city stuff that still get a little jumpy like did I hear something look y’all just bear with me okay just bear with me so for those that are brand new to me you’re like what have I tuned into you have tuned into real

Life of a gardener okay so or soil in here this may be enough to get the job done I have more soil um but I really don’t want to have to lift that back so let’s just see what we working with and see what we got so

The first thing we’re going to do we’re going to use this pot I got two big ones and then I have one that’s about half that size we’re going to put the Rosemary in this one so we’re just going to put some soil in

Here and I bought these um I did a video about it I bought it about a week or so ago like I haven’t watered it it’s dry but it’s still alive and so it should be just fine and then I’ll let it grow in here in this

Pot and then I’ll put it in a a bed or so later I don’t have a bed to put it in now so that’s why I’m using this using this this pot what I want to do is I want to buy another raised bed one of those circular

Metal beds to put in my tunnel for some more herbs I want to give my mint a dedicated bed just because you know Min is invasive in my pot that is in it’s kind of outgrown that pot so I thought about that okay it’s not that directly Center

But it don’t matter it don’t matter there’s our Rosemary just like that um and oh if I didn’t show I think I did show you this before this is a tuskin blue Rosemary I’ve never seen that kind before so I’m really excited to be able to see these purple looking flowers that

May um come on that Rosemary is a great herb to use in the kitchen it smells great and it’ll survive the winter here in zone 7B so let’s see if we have enough soil to do the next one if not then we’re going to have to get some

More but like I was saying I want to get if I can two more if I could do three I would I don’t know that I have the space to put some circular raised beds just for herbs so I have one for like mint and then one for

Just like the other herbs so that I don’t have to use um the two that I have now like for all the herbs just more space so let’s do this one next this is the um the lemon T So plants are so forgiving like so forgiving I guess I should did the other

One loosen up the root ball um because I haven’t watered these since I bought them because I just haven’t forgot too cold too late too dark all the things but today is the day that they will be taken care of but plants are way more resilient than we give them credit for you

Know so when I tell you this soil is dry not the soil I’m putting in but the soil that was in it like it needs to be water in my container and I need some more for this so let me grab some more Soil yikes that wasn’t the best way but that was the only way I could get it in here so okay okay we got more soil these herbs smell so good just from getting them out of the container and repotting them they smell so fragrant so this is our lemon time we’ll put that

Back in there so we got the lemon time and then the very last one is the English time then after this we’re going to water everything in the tunnel we’re going to fertilize the things that are left to be fertilized and then we going to set a

Couple traps that is what we’re going to do now I’m only going to set two today one time two um because I really my husband’s going to really come down down here with the with the Strategic plan and the all the stuff that we need I’m just doing something to get started

And because I can right because I can so that’s what we’re going to do um yeah as y’all probably know I’m pretty independent I was way independent before I got married I have um I’m not nearly as independent as I used to be which is which is okay

You know I’m married but if I ever wasn’t married you know me and me and God we can um still make some things happen but I’ve been married 25 years so to say that I depend on my husband a lot is an understatement but I still got that hey

What can I do that I don’t have to wait on you right okay that don’t look good but it’s going to be good it that’s our English time so just like that they all got some new fresh soil and they are good to go we’ll cover this back

Up and I’ll probably leave these on the table so you can see we got them all potted up nice here I’ll eventually put them on the ground before right now we’ll just put them on the table um and let them hang out a little bit so got them all

Potted up into bigger pots so they should be good to go now let’s go turn our water on give them all a nice Soap okay y’all update it’s the next day sorry I had my hair in a oh okay cuz I got to do this video real quick like okay so let me update you it’s the next day so I was down here and I was getting ready to

Show you the traps and then I got a 911 call that I had to take and I had an emergency I had to deal with so I did not get a chance to finish the video okay so in the process of me taking call I went ahead and put two traps out um

And just kind of put them in place but I was in a hurry and I realized when I got back home last night that one of the traps I didn’t fully set because I was going to show you on camera how it works so that one was never set but the one

That was set we caught something and so I just called my husband he’s on his way down here to get it cuz that’s outside of my league okay now I can see it and it has a long long tail so I don’t know

If it’s a mole a v or R I don’t know what it is but I caught something okay so while he’s on his way down here I’m going to show you the Trap that I was going to show you and show you the way that it works um and I’m sure he’s not

The only one he probably got some cousins and relatives so we’ll set out some more I don’t know if we’ll do that today but let me show you the Trap and what we used and then I don’t know if y’all want to see the animal cuz I sure don’t want to see

It but I know somebody’s going to be like why didn’t you show us why didn’t you show us so I think I’m going to show it so if you have a squeamish stomach like there’s not I don’t see blood or anything but like me I don’t like I

Don’t like it that’s why I’m calling my husband down here because there’s no way these hands in gloves or without gloves is picking it up okay no way noow and I’m so glad there’s nothing that bad but parsley and if I got to take all the

Parsley out because it ain’t I I don’t know we’ll do whatever it takes but let me show you the Trap that um we bought so it looks like this this is what the lady recommended and tried to supply this thing is huge like let me show you in relation to my hand like

It’s not like a one of those little traps that I remember back in the day the little um wood type traps um so it’s like the size of my hand it’s pretty big but you can see here at the bottom right here you unscrew that and

You can put peanut butter or cheese in it or whatever so there’s peanut butter in here right and so then you let’s see if I can you basically set it like that so you can see the peanut butter there so basically they’ll stin the peanut butter

Get in there and it’ll ah like that like that so that is the Trap and the thing I can see from like a distance like he it seemed like he’s not even because what I imagine that somebody’s like a an going to be like right there it looks like

He’s on the side of it so I don’t know if that peanut butter just got him going crazy and maybe it got a side of him I I’m not sure and then these are reusable um we got these at Tractor Supply and they were $10 yeah my husband bought a whole bunch

Of them and I was like whoa whoa whoa whoa wait a minute he’s like do you want the animal gone I was like I do so he was like let me spend this money and I said okay plus they’re reusable and plus we can always take them back the ones we

Haven’t used like if we don’t need more so um y’all it worked it worked so the bed that I put it in was the bed the carrot bed remember there’s nothing in that bed cuz all the carrots are gone and there’s only partially in the corner

So that’s the bed that I used it in that was that was actually open um and I think I don’t know if you can shut this down once once it’s like this um and I made sure that when I left I Clos everything up so my dogs can come in

Here any of that which is not poisonous but my dogs they love peanut butter so they would have been and they were already outside of the tunnel yesterday like they could smell it when I was doing it they were like what what what is that what is that so anyway uh I

Don’t know what’s taking my husband so long but maybe I’ll venture over here and just like get a a a a shot like back here cuz I ain’t trying to get up close okay let’s be brave let’s let’s be bright okay y’all there it is oh and maybe that’s not the tail I

Was saying maybe that’s okay I was thinking I saw a long tail I y’all ain’t getting no closer than that not till I mean I’m sure it’s dead because it’s just laying there and you see you see that big old hole or whatever that’s in there so he’s definitely been tunneling

And up under my stuff um just just killing my stuff just is killing it let’s chat a little bit while we waiting on him so it’s pretty warm in there it’s like 100 104 um in the tunnel it’s only 50° outside feels good today as long as

The wind’s not blowing I’m in the sun it’s 50° feels great and there it’s 100 so I came down here to open it up and to see if I had anything and when I saw it I was like yes yes you sorry Joker all up in my stuff so okay my husband’s on

His way down here we’re going to let a man do what a man does and get it and then maybe he can tell us what it is um yeah so I I saw the suggestion that you guys have put on my last video that was

Probably a v so maybe that’s what it is I didn’t even know there was a volow I thought a mole and a v was the same thing when I looked it up it says that moles eat insects VES eat plants and they under the ground um so yeah we’ll

Have to set out some more traps cuz I’m sure he is not the only one but it just feels good knowing that at least I caught something and y’all guess what we did it we did it my husband we did one before he even got down here and set up

The rest of the traps yes yes yes y’all see I’m y’all see I am hyped because the enemy is in there taking my food but we got one of the enemies that means there is hope okay he’s on his way there is the man

Who has come to save the day you see him but right the bed to the right right there oh look at you buddy baby don’t pick it up where’s your gloves baby baby oh okay oh he beat a r that’s a rat that’s a rat that’s what that

Is he’s a big old mhm okay let me get a good good shot good shot so if somebody else is dealing with this the sun is so bright out here it’s hard to okay most first I don’t think most get this big that just looks like a rat with a big old

Tail okay what you think but we got one we got one that’s probably more that’s what I say he probably got some cousins yeah they smell peanut but they coming to wherever it is and you see he he he did a even bigger hole in there yep yep

Yep that that big hole wasn’t there it was just that one hole I put it right in the hole so if he came up out of the ground he would go right into it m got that joker I wish I could have seen it on camera okay y’all I had said

A whole lot of good stuff to y’all and wasn’t even recording so maybe it was too long I don’t know but here here’s the gist of it thank you guys for the suggestions and the tips that you gave um my husband said it’s a rat not a v so

I I showed it to you you see it all that good stuff um so it it don’t matter what the name of it is I’m just glad we got it and so we we’re going to set out more traps um but right now it’s really warm

In the tunnel we need to keep it open just because it’s like 104 in there so I don’t want to set the traps out and then have the tunnel wide open so we’ll do that later if I don’t catch it on video trust me I will keep you updated on the

Progress and what we’re doing this is just one step but it gives me hope that we caught something we’re on our way and we will have good food again and get rid of these pessy little animals now I know you’re probably thinking you shouldn’t be that excited about killing an animal

Yes I am I am because it stole my food right I’m just as Humane as the next person I don’t kill animals to just be killing them but that has to go him his cousins his brothers his sisters his uncles his cous everybody got to go

Out of my guard if you’re not here for good you got to go so that’s what we’re going to be doing if that makes you upset skip the next few videos cuz we going to be getting these animals and we’re going to keep you posted on how

We’re doing but I just want to say thank you guys for your suggestions thank you for your encouragement because y’all you know it’s frustrating it makes you upset it makes you angry all the emotions when you’ve worked so hard and then it gets destroyed like just like that but just

Like I said on the last video we’re not going to give up we’re going to keep going and I want to encourage you you may be dealing with a similar situation or something completely different you may not have an animal but you may be going through a period in your gardening

Journey where it doesn’t look good like maybe you’re having insects or things are not growing or your soul is contam whatever it may be I just want to encourage you to not give up as long as we’re breathing we can always make a different choice we can always have hope

So I want to leave you with that thank you guys so much remember Garden is a journey let’s grow together I’ll see you next time friend


  1. I like that new trap 🪤 I'm going to buy me some I might need some later buy some just to have (me)

  2. You might 'consider' (maybe as a last resort) pulling the beds up and putting some type of 'wiring mesh' on the bottom that's small enough to keep them from 'squeezing through' but strong enough to keep them from 'chewing' through it. You could then add an extra level or two of wood to the existing beds so you have 'clearance' for Root Veggies to grow.

  3. YAY! Exactly! If it doesn't benefit the cause, GOT TO GO!. By hook or crook. God created everything for a purpose. But I keep asking HIM, what good are rats, roaches, flies and centipedes. I absolutely HATE them. And I dislike, rabbits, voles, moths, opossum, coon, snakes & deer cause they steal all my food and hard work. I'm only mad at foxes, coyotes , dogs, owls, hawks, eagles & such cause they killed my chickens and ducks. The birds & squirrels steal the fruit and nuts. They're all vermin I tell you😏. My mother in law said supposed to plant extra for the creatures. I say let them find the stuff GOD planted for them 😄. Anyhoo, glad you got one.👏👏👏👏

  4. Girl I hollered. 🤣 Yes he/she had to go. I not a cat lover, but you need some farm cats. Those are some big rats.

  5. Alright now 👏🏾you caught one of the pesky critters that have been destroying your beautiful garden. He wasn’t paying no rent there so he had to go……get his cousins too👊🏽Now you know what you’re dealing with.

  6. Girl you are not paranoid. I am from a small town… started working from home in 2020. I sit where I could look out my window and look basically into the trees/woods. When I tell you I was not prepared to see what comes out the woods… I was not prepared. I have seen a coyote, a family of foxes, skunks, family of deer , you name it . I will not ever go on a nature walk again without a weapon . I had no idea things could be that close to your back yard .

  7. Those are the traps I use in my garden. They work well!! Yes, I get really excited when I catch one! Always keep one set because even when you think they're gone, eventually they come back. Great job!!

  8. I’m glad it’s working. Besides taking your food, I have been told they can cause other harm to you if they are carrying anything. The list was long and gross so I won’t even list it. I’ll just say I’m glad it’s working. ❤ ~ Robyn

  9. Lord Jesus bless our family who needs country living for salvation sake in the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ but are not ready as a family to get out of the city and into the country before it is too late, and not move to the country unprepared. Lord God. please forgive us for not agreeing on how to learn sustainable living, which we should have learned when we were Christian Pathfinders in the SDA Church, as boys and girls scouts, or visiting our grandfather's land, and open our minds with the understanding of your creation, due to the crisis of last day events. Assist us as a family together or apart to be able to work in unity, with order and balance for the good of our family and others through country living before the Sunday Law is passed, the mark of the best is enforced, and those who keep the Seventh Day Sabbath will not be able to buy or sell. Lord God bless us our family together or apart to be able to agree on finding land in the right location, for all the right reasons with no regrets, for surviving these last, as witnesses for Jesus Christ, successfully without wasting realtors time. Lord God together or apart let this be the last year our family is living in the city vs the country, and do not allow us to go to the country unprepared for Jesus Christ return and be lost.

  10. If they're tunneling, they're probably Norway rats. I had them in my barn when we first built it. I thought I had giant moles tunneling in there. One night, we went out and turned on the light. Good Lord! Rats!!

  11. I'm so glad you we're able to get the verment caught! Like you said, there are plenty more of them! They need to be got, because that's your food! I'm right there with you! 😂

  12. Squeamish yes but no judgement here. You are trying to grow food after all. That is a vole though. The tail is similar to that of a rat but the body is longer and not as rounded as a rat tail. If that were indeed a rat, the body would be much fatter in comparison to that tail.

  13. Love your videos and thanks for showing the animal. My issue is raccoons and possums, every now and then a cat. I’m purchasing an motion activated sprinkler until they realize it is a source of water😢😢

  14. That definitely look like a rat with that tail! Glad you got it. I totally get it. We work really hard to grow our stuff and those little critters they gotta go elsewhere!

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