Gardening Trends

A Week In My Life | Stay At Home Mom of 3 + Homemaking

A Week in My Life: Stay At Home Mom of 3 + Homemaking. Join me on my stay at home mom journey as I navigate the challenges of homemaking as a homemaker. From packing for a family trip to enjoying my home life, get a glimpse into my daily routine.

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Christmas pjs
Ivy Lee boots
Gigi pip hat

Hot coco recipe:
4cups milk
1/3 cup pure maple syrup
1/3 cup cacao powder
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of salt

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They’re 100% cotton and Organic we are a little bit behind what you talking about that talking about somebody else Yeah and there’s a lot there’s a lot I don’t know if you guys are Aware Is M Good morning you guys guys welcome to the Vlog today we are heading out so we got invited to stay at the Great Wolf Lodge we actually got invited to stay last year and we didn’t go because of something I don’t remember exactly what it was I feel like somebody either got

Sick or it just something didn’t work out so I’m so grateful that they reached back out and invited us to go out this year it’s basically like an indoor like water yeah oh thanks it’s like an indoor water park and they have like just a bunch of of activities and so we’re

Going to be staying one night there so it should be a lot of fun so we’re all getting dressed right now Gia is taking a nap she’s still sleeping we wanted to make sure she got some rest before we hit the road especially because when we stay in

Hotels her sleep is always off so we wanted to get off on the right start you know right now I’m trying to get my clothes ready I did a lot of washing last night um and I packed pretty much my outfit for tomorrow but I’m also

Trying to get like some of the things um for like the Justin Case so I bought family pajamas I always buy family pajamas every single year um matching family pajamas for Christmas and this year I got this from honest they’re 100% cotton and organic and I just love the

Print color was really really cute so the girls got a two-piece um that looks like this and then Gia got a onesie with the little footsies me and Jeremy got got tops that look like this it’s like a it kind of looks like a thermal thermal swaffle with the button up love this

Color and then the pants to match so I’m just taking those just in case we see like a nice photo opportunity over there and then our pictures will be taken care of cuz we do that every single year but um yeah so I’m just finishing up getting

Our things ready you look amazing boo thanks honey I’m kind of dressed I still have to throw on my my coat I’ll show you guys once I put my entire outfit together but I’m I’m layering today and I feel like I’m overdoing it I don’t feel like it’s that cold outside but I’m

Just ready to be bundled up and cozy and you guys cannot see me but I’m heading downstairs what am I doing got diapers and wipes packing is always a thing but you know what I’m about to give it up to my amazing husband because he came through like I always feel like whenever

We’re going somewhere I don’t tend to get like too excited until we’re actually there because I mean it’s it’s just one of those things where you’re like trying to get everything ready trying to stay organized trying to stay focused on the task and I end up not

Really stressing but I could tend to appear stressed um and not like in the greatest of moods but it’s not that I’m in a bad mood or I’m stressed out it’s just that I’m focused and I’m trying to make sure nothing’s forgotten I’m trying to make sure all the girls have what

They need I’m trying to make sure I have everything I need and you know and it’s for four people at least that I’m packing for and trying to prepare for so this time around Jeremy like he helped me out so much like he was cleaning up

The house he was and I don’t even like to use the word help because it is equally his responsibility but basically he just took on so much of the load and it just really made life so much easier for me I feel so organized right now I

Feel like at ease and yeah I’m just I don’t know I just feel good I feel really good so shout out to my husband for really just holding it down for me like that’s all we need that’s all a woman needs we just want some support we

Just want to feel like we are not taking on all of the load all by ourselves you know we want to feel like we have help in all that we do so love you honey I need to eat I made this sourdough bread it looks so beautiful I’m so happy with

How it came out I feel like since taking a long break of no bread Bak I felt like I lost my technique but turns out I didn’t because my bread looks amazing and I can’t wait to eat it I need my tripod I left my tripod

Upstairs my arm is hurting hold on you guys I’m about to make myself something to eat this bread is still pretty warm I usually like to wait for it to be completely cooled but we don’t have time oh she’s a beauty let’s get a closeup look how

Beautiful let me put a rope a rope I need to put a apron on before I get myself all dirty so I’ve been loving making this new little breakfast situation it basically consists of a slice of some sourdough bread some basil pesto scrambled eggs along with some

Fresh chives so good you guys have to try it I basically just Toast My Bread oh this is so soft and so warm I just want to eat it like this but I’mma toast it just a little bit oh and uh that little toaster oven over there that I

Got from Panasonic that was a brand deal I love that thing I use it every single day love it check my Instagram I posted about it on Instagram but anyways I made some basil pesto why isn’t this focusing oh my gosh all that time I wasn’t in

Focus huh I bet you I wasn’t but anyways this right here I made the other day some basil pesto I had a ton of Basil that I picked from the garden and yeah love me some pesto I’ve just been spreading the basil pesto on top of my

Sourdough toast and then I make some scrambled eggs okay that’s a little better and I’m going to do this this the very easy way just going to scramble it up in the pan oo I’m so hot I’m sweating I’m just going to add a little bit of coconut oil

To My Pan crack two eggs in there this is called The Lazy scrambled W add a little bit of salt Toast is Toasty enough here’s a cute little plate that I thrifted it so cute are you guys a fan of nuts in your pesto pine nuts I I never ever have pine nuts on hand when I make pesto so I just never have any nuts to it and then I’m

Not a fan of any type of nuts so I’m just kind of leave it basil parmesan olive oil you know the Necessary Things put my eggs I could have went for three eggs this is a big toast crack some pepper and open it with some fresh chives I’ve been really trying to just

Get lots of herbs in my diet herbs are just so good for you so cleansing and detoxifying and that’s what I need I need a good detox the more the Maria and then got to have my fruit apples and strawberries today M so Good we don’t wear shoes in the house so this is the the hardship with trying to see how your outfit looks look in the garage excuse the mess in the garage maybe I should come over here so here is what I’m wearing it is actually kind

Of cold I’m out here baby it’s actually kind of cold out here so I feel like I’m dressed pretty appropriately and then we’re going to Anaheim that’s in Orange County we are more desert area over there a lot cooler closer to the water so why do you have that but I am wearing

This coat hi Mama hi baby I’m wearing this Zara coat that I got a couple years back maybe even a few years back this sweater is from LNA very cozy it’s like a taupe color and then underneath I I’m also I think this is also a dress from

Zara that I thrifted a while back and then these boots are from Ivy Lee I love them the this is so awkward being in here amongst all this workout equipment but yeah we’re bundled it’s are we in winter is it officially winter time it’s time to go

Everything’s packed up in the car Gia woke up well we woke Gia up so we’re all good to go let’s head Out Thinking about what we’ve been through the world can be a Lon Place baby I’m so glad that I found you I got someone to from the day sto my heart I me forever want to be aart don’t you feel the times are coming cuz I feel it so strong I’ve been on

Hold now baby don’t you feel the time are coming when it feels all right to dance in the moon I baby with you good job now we’re going to your knees so it always needs you sometimes we all Struggle but when the sun my face I think of you in all my trouble I’ll come without a trace from all the things that are you I know I love you see us through don’t you f the times are coming cuz I feel it so strong I’ve been on

Hold on baby don’t you feel the times are coming when it feels all right to dance in the moon like baby with you How wonderful life can Be no matter what’s in store as long as you and me baby can open every door on the day you st my heart I never ever want to be a part from all the things that are you I know my love will see us through W

Don’t you feel the time St coming cuz I feel it’s so strong I’ve been on hold now baby don’t you feel the down I’m calling when it feels so right to dance in the Moon by B with you with you you You good morning you guys we have uh made it to Sunday today we are going to church and Jeremy is joining us I’m very very happy about that we are a little bit behind literally about to be 8 yeah it’s 8:00 right now church starts at

9:00 the girls are finishing up well two out of three is finishing up their breakfast um my oldest is upstairs getting dressed um obviously everybody’s awake now so it’s time to you know get moving everybody just needs to get dressed and then we’re going to head out

And have a good day but yeah I’m just excited to be going to church and Jeremy joining us you know it’s always nice for we to do things collectively as a family so all right but yeah we got to hurry up and get out of here good morning

Everybody just want to say that shines is the best woman in the world for doing everything with oh gosh get taking care of everything yeah he was about to over sleep I had to wake him up at 7:30 I woke her up to turn her alarm off and

Then I kind of just laid there for a little bit I went back to sleep but I ain’t used to this you know what I’m saying I ain’t used to it but he wakes up at 3: in the morning to go to work I don’t I don’t even understand it doesn’t

Even make sense to me this is hard I made a hole look at my Finger to find One girl s your shoes off you did Jeremy’s about to be fired you put chocolate chips in the pcak oh wow one different Jeremy’s in here chefing it up finally I get a break from cooking and I’m about to work out I’m out with you you’re going to work out

With me I not because I Rug Rats you want to watch Rugrats mhm okay well guys it is Friday last time I picked up the camera it was Sunday and hold on wait I got to I got to make my espresso but yeah the last time I picked up the camera was on

Sunday as you guys saw we went to church we had a really good day church was amazing as always I’m about to make some espresso I’ve been really minimizing my caffeine intake well let me stop that cuz that’s not true cuz I’ve been having a lot of like green tea

And black tea but I’ve basically been having less coffee more tea um like yesterday I didn’t have any coffee at all and I’ve been having a lot of days like that where I’ve just kind of been skipping coffee all together um no no intended reason has just been happening

That way especially because I’ve been starting my mornings off with tea and I just feel better gut wise but first I’m going to take a little shot of espresso I just had a banana I had some lemon water and yeah we’re in to Rolling but

Today I want to get out in my garden like I feel like I’ve been neglecting not I feel like I have been neglecting my garden it’s just that time of the year where it’s like super windy outside and most days are just very windy and so I find myself not going outside because

Of that and then you know if we have a rainy day or it’s just cold I you know just been tending to stay inside Bo do you want a shot of this wh I only need one right now but yeah so after church it was it

Was a good day we just went grocery shopping we came back home chilled and I just didn’t want to Vlog and then Monday was the start of like busy busy busy go go go like thank God Jeremy is on vacation because the amount of things that I had to do like creating content

Filming taking photos editing writing captions sending over Concepts like just getting ready like getting myself you know like doing my hair making sure I look presentable for Content like it has just been going go go go the moment I wake up in the morning to like 9:00 at

Night it’s like I’ve just been doing work so I’ve been doing that from Monday all the way until no no no Sunday it started Sunday huh well we’ been busy every single day man yeah we it I mean it’s a blur because I’ve just been so busy and like

I said Thank God Jeremy is on vacation because there is no way in this world I would have been able to get half of that stuff done if I was here trying to juggle the girls the households everything by myself with trying to get work done

Like but yeah we got so much stuff done there’s still so much stuff that still needs to get done but I need a breather like yesterday I took it a lot easy um just wanted to relax and today which is Friday I actually want to get stuff done

Around the house like I feel like this whole week I haven’t rested nor have I been able to get stuff done around the house that needs to get done so I do want to get in my garden today um plant some seeds you know turn my soil water

My plants I haven’t done that in forever so just kind of I don’t know I just kind of want to be productive today but I do want to start with that and whatever follows follows so but first we’re going to take our shot of espresso and then

I’m going to get in that garage work out nice oh that was hot I wasn’t expecting to be that hot I uh I hope I have a good workout I just we have been sick I forgot to mention that like amongst all the chaos of trying to get a bunch of

Work done and stuff we have been sick is this too bright so I wouldn’t even consider myself sick like I haven’t been like out for the count but my throat has been going through it for an entire week and I feel like it like I’m used to

Having a sore throat for like a couple days and then it’ll subside and then maybe I’ll start having a little bit of congestion and then it’ll go away whatever I haven’t had any congestion thank God but my throat has been like fluctuating like sometimes really bad sometimes not that bad

Sometimes like a little cough sometimes not and this morning I woke up with my throat feeling worse than it did yesterday I don’t know like yesterday I woke up with my voice being like almost gone I feel like my voice is back not 100% normal but I feel like my throat is

Chaotic and it feels swollen and I don’t know what’s going on but I’ve been dealing with that Jeremy’s been like having a cough runny nose all that stuff but I think when we went to Great Wolf Lodge we caught something because the girls were sick before we went um they

Still had like a little bit of cough when we went but I knew they wen’t contagious anymore like they were on the up you know they were getting better but it seemed like when we we got back like a couple days being back from the lodge we me and Jeremy started feeling sick

And then Gia started getting sick again and it like it was weird so I felt like we definitely caught something different separate from what the girls previously had so it’s just been so weird it’s been so like off and on but I say all that to

Say I’m about to work out and I want to do cardio today because I’ve been lifting and I feel like just very sore so I just want to loosen up my body and do some cardio but I feel like if I start breathing heavily I might have an

Issue because my throat is not okay right now we’ll see what Happens just finished that workout that one felt really good my throat didn’t bother me too much thank god um but right now I was just deleting like a bunch of stuff off of my memory card cuz my memory card was full because I ended up recording that whole workout and I

Didn’t plan on it but I just let the camera roll but anyways um my memory card was full and as I’m like deleting stuff off the memory card I got a notification on Instagram from somebody that commented under a post that I did in collaboration with a company and I

Basically was pouring a glass of wine I had like a bunch of candles lit and I opened a book I sat down to read and you know just kind of creating a a Vibe an atmosphere you know um romanticizing your life s to speak and this lady commented who’s

Reading uh who’s reading near Candlelight okay like that was her exact comment Who’s laugh out loud who’s reading by Candlelite okay Okay and like people are so funny to me I just don’t understand the haters I don’t understand I don’t I don’t understand like if you don’t read by candles okay it’s fine

It’s okay it’s okay nobody says you have to nobody says you should that’s what I do I like candles I like creating an atmosphere I create I like creating an Ambiance for myself that is what brings me happiness I’m sorry if that’s not what gets your boat rowing you know but

It’s like I don’t understand why people feel the need to express the hate you know it’s it’s crazy like it just goes to show like how good the enemy is at like getting people to do his dirty work you know so yeah but anyways so I’m about to prep some

Dinner I want to I think I want to make a chicken tortilla soup I just kind of want something cozy and just good you know something quick and easy that the instant pot could do not the instant pot the crock poot something that the crock

Poot could do and I could just leave it alone because I’m going to be outside and once dinner time rolls around I just want dinner to be ready but um real quick I want to show you guys this desk I think it’s a desk it looks

Like either a desk or or like it could be um what is it called like a vanity sort of table that I thrifted I think I thrifted this like probably a couple months back but isn’t it the cutest little table don’t mind the junk that’s behind it um it has this little

Drawer it looks vintage I haven’t done much research on it um I don’t think it’s a antique but definitely vintage but I just love the details on the top like look at that so pretty it was only $60 and as you see it’s in my garage and

It’s been in my garage for months because I don’t have a spot for it I literally have no idea where I could even put it I don’t have space I just got it because I thought it was such a nice find and I don’t know I just like

To make purchases that I know I I will never find you know that was just one of those things that it was so cute it was such a good price and if we ever move and have space for it it’s like I’ll have that you know and

I I could put it to use and then I also feel like you know life is constantly changing for us as the girls get older we get rid of things like that playroom is not going to be like playroom forever and so even if we do stay in this house

Forever um I feel like eventually I’ll have space you know and then just my vibe my my style is very Timeless I don’t like to keep up with the trends because I don’t want to have to like feel the need to switch up things because things are like not in style

Anymore or you know and I did that with the other house we lived in like I painted our walls like this turquoisey bluish green color and after a year and a half of having it I was over it and I didn’t have the guts to tell my husband that I wanted the walls

To be a different color because we had like pretty much the whole house painted that color so there was no turning back and he was not having it he he he was not about to play with me so yeah so I just like to keep things

Very Timeless so I bought it and I wanted to keep it just in case you know there’s a space for subject cuz I’m in here what you what was Happ what you nothing nobody’s talking about you um who you talking about that talking about somebody else yeah you talking

About the Milkman the paper boy the evening TV Daddyy Hi let FL me so if you’ve been wanting to like get started with gardening but you don’t know really where to start here’s here’s a little tip for you so I buy green onions right from the store they always come with the roots attached to it um I

Used these on I think it was Monday yeah I think it might have been Monday that I cut up some green onions and I didn’t use the white part of the onions so basically Al just save the bottom part I stuck them in water that night just because I wasn’t like in the

Mood to go outside and stick them in my soil so I just kind of preserved them and put them in water and I’ve left them in there like I said since Monday and you can see how much they’ve been growing already um I wish I had it before but

They grow really fast so I’m basically going to stick this in some healthy um some healthy soil and they’re going to grow and I’ll show you guys the ones that I did some months back but I only did like a few so I don’t have a lot of onions

Growing so I’m just basically collecting the ones that I get from the store and then I put them in my little garden cart but let me show you guys so these are the ones that I planted in here and they’re growing really well like you

Could see one I don’t know what it’ll be called but one rooted green onion that I added here is like starting to have a lot of different um shoots or outputs or whatever you call it um which is nice because I love green onions it’s like green onions are one of those things

That you can’t like you don’t always have at least for me like you don’t always have green onions on on hand and when you want them they’re either not fresh anymore or you just don’t feel like going to the store so I like I just really like having these on

Hand one of those vegetables that are better if you just have them cuz when you need them you could eat them but yeah I’m just going to stick them in the soil stick them in There If you come over here and see this little plant right here you might think like grass right it looks like grass and that’s what I thought it was when it started growing but then as it got bigger I was like like you know what let me just leave it

Because what if that is garlic or I was even thinking my corn or something I had a corn planted right next to it and so I just decided to leave it but right now I just took a little clip a little clipping of the leave and it smells like

Garlic so we got some garlic growing I don’t even understand how it’s growing like I didn’t even have garlic planted here at least I don’t think I did so crazy but yeah that’s that’s Cool I am back in the house I showered I cleaned up did all that stuff quiet girls um in was nice it was a little bit windy out there which made things difficult I had like seeds flying all over the place so there might be some Sprouts in areas

I didn’t not intend for them to be but I planted carrots I planted turnips I planted um green lettuce I planted spinach I’ve planted ch um parsnips turn around everybody I think that’s it but right now I am getting ready to serve everyone dinner and then after dinner we’re gonna

Have some popcorn and some hot cocoa because it is Friday and every Friday we’ve been watching a Christmas movie like we started in like early November so we’re um going to do it all the way up until the new year basically so tonight I’m not sure what we’re watching

Tonight but we’ve been watching like all the home alans um like all the home alans and there’s a lot there’s a lot I don’t know if you guys are aware but there’s more than just the the Kevin you know the original Kevin home alone there’s like I think

There’s at least like five huh but yeah so I’m about to do that serve everybody their food have um get the hot cocoa going I’m going to make some whipped cream I also ordered like a marshmallow cream just to have options um and then yeah I have a little cozy family

Christmas movie night so that’s what I’m about to do So we have two options I have whipped cream that I just made and then I bought this marshmallow cream the ingredients are pretty clean um obviously it’s sugary but they’re organic um it starts off with Organic tapioca syrup organic cane sugar natural spring water organic dried egg whites and organic vanilla

Extract baby don’t move my camera please so yeah I tried it too me and Jeremy tried it it’s really good so this might be a nice little hot cocoa toppy after N


  1. Hi everyone! Welcome to Hour Point Of View! I’m Shawniece and I’m a SAHM of 3. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the holidays.

    If you like these type of vlogs, be sure to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and share our channel with a friend 😊

  2. That mini vacation looked so nice. Girls looked like they enjoyed it!
    Cute outfitttttt 😍 for church.
    25:00 I’m confused here 😅 is she saying you shouldn’t read with candles? lol was that suppose to be a her trying to be shady 😂😂😂😂 I cannot. People are crazy.

  3. Glad you guys enjoyed the indoor water park and everyone is well again. I like the table especially the design on the glass. Great buy!! As always enjoyed the vlog! Can’t wait to see what you share next!🥰

  4. Your bread looks delicious. Mine never turns out that pretty. OMG that breakfast looks absolutely amazing. 🤤

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